Rudock Fires A Few Shots

He insists the NFL opportunity is not on his mind, though it's only one year away, but he also has seen Michigan coach Jim Harbaugh's impact on other quarterbacks and said learning from him is an opportunity he couldn't pass up.

I'm fighting back tears of laughter right now.
Jake, now listen son, I don't know how you did it at Iowa, but we like to throw the ball past the line of scrimmage. We thinks it gives us a better chance to win.
Confusing thread title...Didn't read where he "fired a few shots". Jake's future is in medicine. I just don't see him being able to completely rely on his arm as a pro. And while he's nimble when healthy, he's not so fast that he could be an option qb in the NFL.

Criticized there for not throwing deep often enough, he refused the revisionist history, pointing out that just because everyone loves to see downfield throws, "but sometimes defenses are playing certain ways that you can't get that and sometimes things open up that might not be on the side of the field you're reading."

Yep this is true when you don't have the arm to throw down field. Rudduck made his choices on the field cause he could not throw an accurate deep ball.
Confusing thread title...Didn't read where he "fired a few shots". Jake's future is in medicine. I just don't see him being able to completely rely on his arm as a pro. And while he's nimble when healthy, he's not so fast that he could be an option qb in the NFL.

That's a bit of an understatement.
"but sometimes defenses are playing certain ways that you can't get that and sometimes things open up that might not be on the side of the field you're reading."

Doesn't this say it all? I thought QBs read the whole field but I guess Jake only reads one side at a time.
The thing I noticed is how he mentioned things were up front and he knew where he stood. The last 4 years our qb's seem to play afraid of making a mistake. In the early KF years the team seemed to know their assignments and personal and team goals. The last few years it seems like the players are trying their best but nobody understands how to work together or if they'll be taken out of the game on a whim. When a coach, manager, person in a leadership position feels threatened they become inconsistent in their approach in order to confuse people and being able to go in a different direction anytime someone questions them.
The thing I noticed is how he mentioned things were up front and he knew where he stood. The last 4 years our qb's seem to play afraid of making a mistake. In the early KF years the team seemed to know their assignments and personal and team goals. The last few years it seems like the players are trying their best but nobody understands how to work together or if they'll be taken out of the game on a whim. When a coach, manager, person in a leadership position feels threatened they become inconsistent in their approach in order to confuse people and being able to go in a different direction anytime someone questions them.

O'Keefe's last year was 2011. JVB put up 25 TDs against 7 picks. In 2012, year 1 of the Davis regime, he tossed 7 TDs against 8 picks. QB play has improved slightly bince then, but has yet to get back to 2011 levels. Ferentz pulled the ultimate troll on every one of you d-bags who badmouthed O'Keefe by hiring the absolute worst candidate he could find. Greg Davis makes $450k per annum. Ask yourself if there is any company in America that would pay this guy $450k:



If you continue to buy season tickets, you are part of the problem. It's really that simple. Jake might be a fine collegiate QB, but the guy who is pictured above ain't gonna be the one who figures out if he is.
Confusing thread title...Didn't read where he "fired a few shots". Jake's future is in medicine. I just don't see him being able to completely rely on his arm as a pro. And while he's nimble when healthy, he's not so fast that he could be an option qb in the NFL.

Is his future in medicine, though? There is absolutely no way he'll be going to med school next year if he's playing ball at Michigan. What did he get in O-Chem? What did he get on the MCAT? There is this mythology about how smart he is, but if he was that smart, he would see that he has no future in football and understand how dangerous it is playing behind Michigan's porous o-line. I wish him luck, but I ain't sold on the narrative just yet.
I'm fighting back tears of laughter right now.

I saw that quote. Just because it is in the article doesn't mean Jake initiated the discussion. The author could have asked about the NFL possibility and Jake brushed it off as something he wasn't even ever thinking about.
I think he has all the best qualities of a JT Barrett, Braxton Miller and Cardale Jones rolled into one guy. I know the NFL scouts are looking at Connor Cook and Hackenberg in the B10, so they will be watching the conference games when JR lets them up. The system at Michigan might hold him back, they may run the halfback dive a little too often.
O'Keefe's last year was 2011. JVB put up 25 TDs against 7 picks. In 2012, year 1 of the Davis regime, he tossed 7 TDs against 8 picks. QB play has improved slightly bince then, but has yet to get back to 2011 levels. Ferentz pulled the ultimate troll on every one of you d-bags who badmouthed O'Keefe by hiring the absolute worst candidate he could find. Greg Davis makes $450k per annum. Ask yourself if there is any company in America that would pay this guy $450k:



If you continue to buy season tickets, you are part of the problem. It's really that simple. Jake might be a fine collegiate QB, but the guy who is pictured above ain't gonna be the one who figures out if he is.

Davis offenses outside of the transition year rank about the same as Koks did nationally.

Rudock is a backup level QB in a major conference but was KFs choice over a blatantly more talented player.

Whether or not you believe KF is responsible for a large part of the way this offense is designed (and that is the case) , the fact that he purposely hired a bozo like Davis and then retained him says all you should need to know about the guy in charge.
O'Keefe's last year was 2011. JVB put up 25 TDs against 7 picks. In 2012, year 1 of the Davis regime, he tossed 7 TDs against 8 picks. QB play has improved slightly bince then, but has yet to get back to 2011 levels. Ferentz pulled the ultimate troll on every one of you d-bags who badmouthed O'Keefe by hiring the absolute worst candidate he could find. Greg Davis makes $450k per annum. Ask yourself if there is any company in America that would pay this guy $450k:



If you continue to buy season tickets, you are part of the problem. It's really that simple. Jake might be a fine collegiate QB, but the guy who is pictured above ain't gonna be the one who figures out if he is.

You would be more accurate if you put a picture up of Kirk Ferentz. His eyes are a little off too.
Confusing thread title...Didn't read where he "fired a few shots". Jake's future is in medicine. I just don't see him being able to completely rely on his arm as a pro. And while he's nimble when healthy, he's not so fast that he could be an option qb in the NFL.

I think this part of the interview: "He's not much of a sugar-coater, and I appreciate that philosophy because it's a lot more efficient to be honest and open from the start than to say something and rebuke it later." indicates that JR thought KF was opposite of this. I would take that as a shot.
I think this part of the interview: "He's not much of a sugar-coater, and I appreciate that philosophy because it's a lot more efficient to be honest and open from the start than to say something and rebuke it later." indicates that JR thought KF was opposite of this. I would take that as a shot.

I wouldn't say that indicates that. You could try to infer that. Kirk releasing the off season depth chart was probably the most up front non sugar coat thing Kirk could of done for Jake. Basically let him know that Beathard had the upper hand going into next season. The main thing I can think of that Kirk didn't follow through on was implementing Beathard into the system more as he and GD implied going into last season. Jake ended up playing even more because of that. I know a lot of fans get a bad taste for recruits when they transfer, but Jake was always a good kid who showed a lot of class while at Iowa. He was a breath of fresh air after the 4 win season and breathed a little life into the program. Many said "why didn't Rudock play earlier?" His limitations were excentuated in GD's system. There's no need to go fishing for things to say about the kid when he's gone and putting words in his mouth.
I wouldn't say that indicates that. You could try to infer that. Kirk releasing the off season depth chart was probably the most up front non sugar coat thing Kirk could of done for Jake. Basically let him know that Beathard had the upper hand going into next season. The main thing I can think of that Kirk didn't follow through on was implementing Beathard into the system more as he and GD implied going into last season. Jake ended up playing even more because of that. I know a lot of fans get a bad taste for recruits when they transfer, but Jake was always a good kid who showed a lot of class while at Iowa. He was a breath of fresh air after the 4 win season and breathed a little life into the program. Many said "why didn't Rudock play earlier?" His limitations were excentuated in GD's system. There's no need to go fishing for things to say about the kid when he's gone and putting words in his mouth.

CP, I am not saying that JR is right or that KF misled him. I am just saying that JR's quote seems to be "a shot". Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but this remark when juxtaposed within the rest of the article seems to indicate (at least to me) that JR felt misled by KF. Your point that KF treated JR more than fair, may be valid. It also may not be shared by JR. I am not trying to put words into JR's mouth and hold absolutely no resentment or bad feelings toward him at all. In fact wish JR great success in whatever he takes on in the future!

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