Rude and Disrespectful posters


Well-Known Member
I've noticed here lately and I'm talking mostly the Basketball forum (seasonal) that a great many of the replies to topics and thread responses are extremely rude, condescending and belligerent. It's gotten to the point that it's turned into message board full of bullying and posters in general trying to belittle and make people feel bad, especially when others jump on board. Not sure how this can be cleaned up. I often remind myself that you don't need to reply or go into a topic if it get's heated and the rudeness and disrespect starts up. Impulsively I've responded to negative comments with rude replies before and honestly felt bad afterwards. I've often left threads because the bullying on posters has been overwhelming. I again remind myself this is an internet board forum and not sitting down with the family for dinner. The exit door is a quick click in the upper right hand corner. I sometimes go into the North Carolina Scout forum (basketball) and frequently see how classy and respectful posters are with one another and wonder how this has come to be.
I guess you could give those negative posters and warning and than boot them off the board. You could even remove the # of replies members have under their avatar as this might help reduce the pilling on and bullying I'm seeing everyday. The difficulty is policing every reply and the moderators don't have enough time to do this in their own busy lives. Just think twice before you reply to someone's comment and if you don't agree, than disagree respectfully and not insulting a guys intelligence or belittling his character. Remind yourself that your not the smartest guy on the board and your no better than anyone else.
I would just like to see some integrity and respect brought back into the forums and clean up the insults and bullying and take some pride in being a member of the HawkeyeNation forum.
Thanks for letting me vent.
the biggest problem with this board is that Jon has no moderators to "police" it, it is too big for him alone.
Totally agree with the OP. It makes it 10x worse when one person starts it and then multiple people jump in. It really does have a way of turning into an elementary school playground bullying atmosphere. Plus it derails the threads. It just isn't necessary. If you don't like someone's post or opinion that's fine. If you think it's stupid that's fine. There's just no reason to get off topic because you want to get into a yelling match with someone over the internet that you don't even know, and isn't going to go anywhere.

This is something I've been guilty of myself. I'm not being condescending. As I become a more seasoned member of the board I've slowly realized the stupidity of it. It accomplishes absolutely nothing.
Add immature also...for cryin' out loud, if you have a thread going and someone argues a point with another poster, than all hell breaks loose, it becomes a (or woman) up, take the criticism, but comeback with something insightful that adds to the conversation, or move on....too many feelings are getting hurt around here...woe is me....let's keep it civil and somewhat entertaining where we might actually learn something.....we all get bent out of shape a time or two, but that's because we're all pretty passionate about our team, or whatever the topic of discussion is...
i agree this place is brutal most of the times. see current basketball situation and then see people rip Ferentz. tells you a lot about folks, i think.

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