Rotation and minutes


Well-Known Member
Personally I'd like to see the following:

For the 1-2 spots (80 min total)
Marble - 28 min
Gesell - 25 min
Clemmons - 15 min
Jok - 12 min

For the 3-4 spots (80 min total)
White - 26 min
Basabe - 17 min
Uthoff - 22 min
McCabe - 15 min

For the 5 spot
Woody - 20 min
Olesani - 20 min

I'm don't think Fran is really worried about differentiating the 1 and 2 spots, as whoever is on the floor, one of the following can run the point (Gesell, Clemmons, Marble).

I'm also not convince Fran is worried about differentiating the 3 spot on the floor. White, Uthoff, or McCabe can hold that spot down when on the floor.

At center you play the hot hand more. The nice thing is they bring a different skill set onto the floor.
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I would take five minutes each from Gesell, Clemmons and McCabe, and give five more to Jok (total of 17) and 10 to Oglesby.
It will be interesting to see how the minutes average out at the end of the season as I think they might swing wildly from game to game depending on the competition and who is hot.
The competition was obviously weak, but I did not see many instances where players were easing up on the defensive end. I'm guessing that Fran has told the team that the easiest way to have your minutes cut is lack of effort on defense.
I think we see Basabe eating up some of those 40 minutes in the post, but I feel very good about Gabe and Woody.
I think we learned a lot about our team and the rotation today. I look forward to someone posting a box score.
I think we learned a lot about our team and the rotation today. I look forward to someone posting a box score.

I was unable to watch the game live and look forward to watching it later on replay..the first thing that jumped out to me was the minute distribution....Marble, Sapp then four forwards the only players 19+. Fran has a lot of toys to play with this's pretty fascinating actually.
1. Jok isn't ready
2. Utoff needs to play more
3. Marble is better off the point.

4. I hate the basketball message boards in November because fans tend to hyperanalzye things as if it were a football game...but there are three times as many basketball games. Of course Jok isn't ready for Big Ten play just yet....which is why they play a preseason. Relax
1. Jok isn't ready
2. Utoff needs to play more
3. Marble is better off the point.

I think Jok will be just fine. He just needs to keep getting his feet wet. He will get better defensively as the coaches work with him. Playing defense is the hardest thing to learn. He is used to being the most talented player on the court, now he just has to get into better position and move his feet. I am not worried about him.
I thought it was an interesting combination late in the second half when at one point White, Basabe, and Uthoff were all in the game at the same time and things got very active with the Iowa offensive boards. Oh by the way am I spelling Uthoff's last name wrong as I have seen several post tonight spelling it Utoff?
You would expect the big men to have good games against teams like this that don't have great interior size or talent. Jok needs to learn how to move his feet defensively much much better.

White, woody and Basabe are still the best interior options. Let's see how Uthoff does when he goes up against more stout 3-4 post men
I think Jok will be just fine. He just needs to keep getting his feet wet. He will get better defensively as the coaches work with him. Playing defense is the hardest thing to learn. He is used to being the most talented player on the court, now he just has to get into better position and move his feet. I am not worried about him.

On D, Jok is getting better and will get better. On O, Peter looks like he's still playing the role he had at Valley HS: forcing shots because he had to for his team to win. Hence, he's got a low FG percentage. But you can sure see the potential.

Uthoff is doing better than I expected. I have to admit, my view was colored this summer by his showing on the national team and the Eurotour. Some might say, "I told you so," but they were the only competitive games he played for 2 years on which to make a judgement. Count me as converted on the JU front.

The biggest thing we need to happen now is for MG to get his groove back. I think we'd improve our current deficiencies on D and O with him playing like he can.
1. Jok isn't ready
2. Utoff needs to play more
3. Marble is better off the point.

I don't agree with this, but he doesn't seem to be playing with the same "It's on me" attitude that he was during the stretch run of the NIT last year. Whether that's a purposeful decision or there are other factors involved I don't know, but he hasn't picked up where he left off. I'm going to give the benefit of the doubt and assume we'll continue to see everyone a little unsettled until Fran starts to hone in on some specific rotation combinations that he likes.
I don't agree with this, but he doesn't seem to be playing with the same "It's on me" attitude that he was during the stretch run of the NIT last year. Whether that's a purposeful decision or there are other factors involved I don't know, but he hasn't picked up where he left off. I'm going to give the benefit of the doubt and assume we'll continue to see everyone a little unsettled until Fran starts to hone in on some specific rotation combinations that he likes.

I think both White and Marble are both team players but appear to bring different attitudes to it. White seems to play hard all the time while Marble tends to really bring it when he feels the team really needs him. Part of that is RDM adjusting to what the D gives him. He's the main creator and so has an X on his back from other teams scouting us. So the pattern is this: opponents try to limit him as much as possible, he tries to get other players involved and, to the extent they can't do the job and/or he and Fran figure out how he should attack the D, he tries to take over later in games. I'm starting to be excited at how he'll have help in late game offense creation as Uthoff emerges. For the NIT run, most teams didn't have time to scout us extensively and so RDM tended to come out of the gate unchecked.
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