Roster breakdown by weight and class

oops some dreaming on that one. As good as Silver, mcCauley and Macintosh looked in that spreadsheet I should probably stay a bit more grounded.
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any chance some of the wrestlers go down a weight in the upper weights(65-97).Just wondering if Luke would be better at 84 or can't he get down to there.Just wondering
I have heard that McDonough will moving up to 133 and that he can't beat Ramos at 125. Is there any truth to this? If so what a great problem to have.
Whoever is telling you guys that Ramos can beat McDonough does NOT know what they are talking about! McDonough will start at whatever weight he wants and that looks to be at 125. I do not expect Ramos to be in the lineup this year. He should be a good one down the road but he is not in the same ballpark as Matt right now.
any chance some of the wrestlers go down a weight in the upper weights(65-97).Just wondering if Luke would be better at 84 or can't he get down to there.Just wondering

That sounds great in theory but it probably won't happen quite to the degree that you are asking. St John could go 157 but that would leave Kerr an Janssen at 165 and E Lofthouse will stay at 174. Keep an eye out guys because Ethan is going to be a fan favorite very quickly and I expect him to be one of the best wrestlers for Iowa this year! Luke Lofthouse could cut down to 184 but he'll have to battle with Gambrall which would be fun. If he stays at 197 he could have a fun battle with Ambrose if Brodie keeps his weight under control. There is going to be a good wrestler sitting on the bench somewhere at 84 or 97...
anybody want to figure out a way we could do fantasy wrestling?

You would almost have to score it at the end of the year instead of weekly since schedules differ so much. At the end you could accumulate points for wins, pins, techs, majors, etc... Then if you wanted you could take the top few fantasy teams and use conference tournaments and nationals for the "playoffs." It would be a lot of fun but someone would have to do a lot of work at the end to get all of the data together... You would also have to figure out the fairest way to do the draft and how many teams you could limit it to.
lots of rumors about this ive had 3 ppl in 2 months ask me about that

I heard Ramos takes on everyone, one right after the other. They just keep rotating fresh bodies in on him every 3 minutes... still hasn't given up a TD. Also heard Schawb didn't really want the job at UNI but was tired of being worked by Ramos everyday in practice so he wanted to get out of Iowa City.
I heard Ramos takes on everyone, one right after the other. They just keep rotating fresh bodies in on him every 3 minutes... still hasn't given up a TD. Also heard Schawb didn't really want the job at UNI but was tired of being worked by Ramos everyday in practice so he wanted to get out of Iowa City.

Now, that's funny, if I do say so myself. :)
That sounds great in theory but it probably won't happen quite to the degree that you are asking. St John could go 157 but that would leave Kerr an Janssen at 165 and E Lofthouse will stay at 174. Keep an eye out guys because Ethan is going to be a fan favorite very quickly and I expect him to be one of the best wrestlers for Iowa this year! Luke Lofthouse could cut down to 184 but he'll have to battle with Gambrall which would be fun. If he stays at 197 he could have a fun battle with Ambrose if Brodie keeps his weight under control. There is going to be a good wrestler sitting on the bench somewhere at 84 or 97...

I agree with you Fulsaas. I think of all the new faces in the lineup this year i'm most interested to watch Ethan. Everytime i watched him in the room I was very impressed. I think he's going to be a stud.

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