Rose Bowl: Iowa Vs. Oregon


Well-Known Member
It may be a pipe dream to hope for this happening. But I would love to see Iowa crush Oregon.

And that, is an example that there is still plenty to be positive for this 2010 season.

Next week will be about establishing a reliable backup to Robinson, improving special teams, and improving oline play. While Ball St. may not offer much of a offensive line challenge, hopefully they'll blitz a lot.

With national title hopes being next to eliminated, what is everyone else's prize of a bowl game match-up?
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I understand wanting a rematch. But in some ways Iowa and Arizona are equals, in terms of a getting under credited. Yeah we were rated in top ten, and some predicted Iowa in title game, but most fans around the country wouldn't have agreed with that. Oregon always gets over hyped. And with seeing them trying to send message against no talent small schools, this week, they're the team I would like to season Iowa matched up with at the end of the season.
They are not making a BCS bowl this year and will be LUCKY to make a new years day one.

Good heavens. Iowa lost on the road to a ranked team and executed about as poorly in special teams as it has in a decade, and people are acting as though this team sucks.
Good heavens. Iowa lost on the road to a ranked team and executed about as poorly in special teams as it has in a decade, and people are acting as though this team sucks.

I don't know how you do it after losses. I can at least just shut the computer off and do something else. I don't know if I could read this stuff all day. "Fans" lose their minds. It's actually embarrassing.
Oregon is #1 choice of team in which I don't want to see Iowa play, particularly out west. They have serious speed all over on offense.
Good heavens. Iowa lost on the road to a ranked team and executed about as poorly in special teams as it has in a decade, and people are acting as though this team sucks.

I hear ya. My take on the game is that the Hawks played pretty poorly in certain areas, yet still was in position to have a chance at winning the game, on the road, against a ranked team. If we were that bad, we would have been blown out. I don't view this is a catastrophic loss. Just an end to our dreams of running the table.

I would be shocked if this team doesn't at least make the Outback Bowl.

Besides, Wisky, Michigan and PSU didn't exactly impress the heck out of me yesterday.
I was hoping TC was talking about Oregon, but either way the comment is directed, it doesn't make sense.

Arizona's offense is nearly prefect for playing against our defensive strengths and style yet Iowa still did a great job defending the catz. But they won this one. Iowa can grow a lot from this game though. Big ten play can't come soon enough.
Oregon is #1 choice of team in which I don't want to see Iowa play, particularly out west. They have serious speed all over on offense.

The Ducks are a horrible matchup for Iowa. I fear they would completely crush us.
Also: Arizona's gameplan was amazing. They had double teams on Klug, Binns, and Clayborn nearly every play. They took the athleticism of the d-line and negated it completely until Iowa started blitzing in the second half.

When Iowa did blitz, Foles got the pass off for short gains over the middle before he got hit.

On defense, Arizona was able to exploit the noise of the crowd to jump the snap and get into the backfield (seemed like almost every play Iowa was going on two). They had no respect for the passing game at all. Even though the LB's were blitzing every play, Iowa couldn't complete a pass to a thight end over the middle because there were 3 or four players coming right up the middle off the snap. They exploited the fact that Stanzi does not have a quick release and has limited mobility.

Jon, you made a point on a separate thread that Stanzi checked to the deep ball when AZ blitzed and that it was the correct call. I actually disagree. If you read blitz by the LB, you should call a quick hot route to the location where the LB are coming from. Good routes are slants and curls, because the defender covering on a blitz is likely to be in man coverage. Other plays Iowa could have ran are middle screens, bubble screens, and double tight end drag routes with Stanzi in the shotgun.

Bottom line is Arizona's D and O dictated the gameplan for Iowa.
Also: Arizona's gameplan was amazing. They had double teams on Klug, Binns, and Clayborn nearly every play. They took the athleticism of the d-line and negated it completely until Iowa started blitzing in the second half.

When Iowa did blitz, Foles got the pass off for short gains over the middle before he got hit.

On defense, Arizona was able to exploit the noise of the crowd to jump the snap and get into the backfield (seemed like almost every play Iowa was going on two). They had no respect for the passing game at all. Even though the LB's were blitzing every play, Iowa couldn't complete a pass to a thight end over the middle because there were 3 or four players coming right up the middle off the snap. They exploited the fact that Stanzi does not have a quick release and has limited mobility.

Jon, you made a point on a separate thread that Stanzi checked to the deep ball when AZ blitzed and that it was the correct call. I actually disagree. If you read blitz by the LB, you should call a quick hot route to the location where the LB are coming from. Good routes are slants and curls, because the defender covering on a blitz is likely to be in man coverage. Other plays Iowa could have ran are middle screens, bubble screens, and double tight end drag routes with Stanzi in the shotgun.

Bottom line is Arizona's D and O dictated the gameplan for Iowa.


Arizona jumping out to a 14 point and eventually a 20 point lead dictated the gameplan for Iowa.

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