roles evolving

One time the ball was getting rotated around and it got to an open Connor where he shot the 3. Weiskamp was wide open for the extra pass. That's a pass you see made 9 times out of 10 in basketball. It just seems like that was the exact play you see once per game that makes the announcers talk about the extra pass and how unselfish everyone is, yet it's the obvious play. It was a terrible decision by Connor and really out of character for him. It gave me the feeling that he was more concerned with proving he's willing to shoot in that moment than making the right play.

I agree. I remember that play. After Weiskamp was ignored multiple times, he started shooting as soon as he touched the ball, only missed on one of those shots. Thought that was pretty funny. Feed him Hawks!

I liked Connor last year, his outside shot wasn't consistent but he was smart with the ball. He fed the rock inside & took care of the ball. Of course, maybe he only looked good because Dailey or Moss were on the court.

Toussaint is definitely a better option but personally I don't care who starts at this point in the season. To me, it's more about total minutes and the players on the floor when the game is close. Toussaint needs as much experience as possible before playing the big boys.
I'm not sure how many people know this but Weiskamp fell and hurt his right elbow the first game of the year (or maybe it was the exhibition) and has been playing hurt ever since. This last game was the first one he's felt fine in. That explains his shot being off and him not hinting it. Its surprising to see people say he's not the player who will get his own shot or shoot much. That's the exact player he is.
Watching the game? I’m paraphrasing but Settles just said the NBA scouts told Wieskamp he needed to improve on his ability to create for himself. Said he was a very good catch and shoot (which he is and that’s his strength). Creating for himself is an area Joe needs to improve.
Scribbled this the other day

Just realized the Bball game is on right now

JoeT is certain to start with more seasoning. In the meantime, he can hone his skills and can learn from Connor. We have a lot of scoring to replace with Cook and Moss gone and JBo probably red-shirting, which might be the wise choice. I watched the Cincinnatti game from last season's tournament, and he is far behind that level. His hip might need to heal completely. He would certainly help this season but could do more completely healed. We have to find about 35 points a game to replace.

We should get about 6-8 points a game each from Connor, Ryan and Jack with CJ giving us 10 to 12 PPG. I think JoeT will give us 10 or more as he gets more and more experience.

The most impressive aspect of the team so far this season is the ball movement and excellent passing by the team. This might be the best passing team of the Fran era. There have been too many years that we just dribbled the ball around the perimeter and settled for a last-second shot, a lot of the time in desperation.

I believe our D will be good with a lot of hustle and trapping which should get better as the season goes on. We should be tough inside with Kriener, Pemsl, and Nunge banging around. It is crucial to keep Luka as foul free as possible. His footwork gets better each year and is very good this season and will improve. He has to keep his feet on the floor on D and avoid being called for cheap fouls. If the D is better than last season which was a vast improvement from the previous year, we should be OK.

Luka and JoeW are going to keep the opponents D very busy and they will get their points. JoeT is going to help considerably with his quick aggressive movement, passing and ability to take it to the basket in traffic. Fredrick has to add accuracy on the perimeter. Ryan will contribute when it is needed just like last season. He should be a solid a solid factor the entire season on offense and defense. I think we will be alright, a surprise that will provide a lot of fun and entertainment. We have a chance of finishing it in the top middle of th B1G. Hopefully.

The preseason is going to be very tough starting soon. The experience gained there will set the tone for the rest of the season. I certainly don't expect to win them all and will not be surprised to lose over half of them but if they play tough and are in the games fighting to the bitter end, that will be hard-earned experience for the conference battles.
Watching the game? I’m paraphrasing but Settles just said the NBA scouts told Wieskamp he needed to improve on his ability to create for himself. Said he was a very good catch and shoot (which he is and that’s his strength). Creating for himself is an area Joe needs to improve.

Well yea he needs to work on it to play in the NBA. I was saying he can hunt and create his own shots at the college level.
Well yea he needs to work on it to play in the NBA. I was saying he can hunt and create his own shots at the college level.
To date I would say I disagree. He might be able to, we haven’t seen a ton of it at this level yet. Last year was primarily catch and shoot. He has the occasional drive to the cup but nothing super consistent.
The way Nunge landed on his knee didn't look good.

We may be seeing more of Kriener and Pemsl than expected.

And, we may need Patrick to play.
We learn more about the roles and rotation with the Texas TEch game and the post Jack Nunge injury.

The best 5 players played the majority of the minutes. Garza, Weiskamp, and JBo all played over 30 minutes, CJ played 29 and Connor 25, Joe T 16, Pemsl 14 with Kriener and Bakari less than 10.

We went with a small ball lineup starting JBo and moving Connor to the wing. It appears we now have a 9 man rotation which is very workable. But we need to stay healthy.