Rodney Coe: Offense or Defense?

If Coker stays healthy (I know, I laughed a little when I typed that), I can see the coaches suggesting he give defense a try, for some playing time.
The key is that we want Coe to be playing at the position where he'll give it his all.

Clayborn dropped off the radar at Iowa when he when he was getting reps at DT ... however, his level of play was incredible when at DE.

Thus, we cannot avoid the "psychology"-factor here either.

Blum likely would have developed into a monster O-Lineman for us had he not dealt with health issues AND had he been "all in" on the OL. Unfortunately, he felt strongly about playing on the DL ... and it ended up costing him.

In contrast, Riley Reiff was a player who was VERY similar to Blum ... and yet Reiff put in the investment on the OL ... and it's already seeming like it will pay-off in the form of a FIRST round NFL pick.

You never know ....

Of course, Ballard came on initially as a TE ... and will likely be leaving as a potential FIRST round NFL pick on the DL. So, again, you never know ....

The primary key is that the young man has to be fully invested with regard to the position change.
And he should be if he's happy doing that and can contribute as well. I think he's plenty capable of figuring out where he can excel and go on to the next level.
Yes. He will be competing against guys with a wide diversity of strengths, so he should be able to figure out if he can make it at RB.
Kirk stated it best when he said that as long as he maintains weight he will play RB. Only problem is though for Coe, he is already pretty lean. And bound to put on more muscle which in turn will make him much heavier. I do see him running the ball into the 250's, ala Clay or Beanie Wells. once he gets into the 260 range though I think that he would make a beast of a MLB.
I say play him at linebacker; it is the place on D where last season we seemed the most stretched out. And with his athletic ability he would make a pretty good outside linebacker. But I also think that he should still at least practice some rb so when our rb depth is depleted again we can throw him in....
The coaches have said he will get his opportunity at RB...same as Dallas Clark being a LB, Robert Gallery before being switched to OL, and countless others. He doesn't seem to have the cut back and ability that is needed and he doesn't have the speed. 250 lbs for a RB is good if they can run behind their pads but he will struggle with that because he is so tall. He would be a killer at DE or at OLB (great back-up for Neilsen for this year).
The trend for running backs the last decade has been shorter (bowling ball) type backs. Having a big bruising back is becoming obsolete in the NFL, as each team neads at least two good running backs due to the sheer physical nature of the position.
Players like Beanie and Dayne and Wells can do well in college but struggle against NFL type defensive lines. (See Wells vs Iowa). They simply can't get through the line quick enough.

Coe could be a very good collegiate running back and it would be fun to see him smash through holes. But for longevity into the NFL, he projects much better as a defensive player (although, TE is intriguing). If he proves me wrong, I will be just as elated!
Depends if we lose 3 or 4 RBs to ACL tears next preseason......

Ankle, it's a flip of a coin with the Hawkeyes. In other words, we may need Coe to play both sides. We lost our Entire 2-deep(and then some) at LB this past season. I say train him to go both ways and pray we don't need him....this year...
Then again, if he is that good, play him now!
Ankle, it's a flip of a coin with the Hawkeyes. In other words, we may need Coe to play both sides. We lost our Entire 2-deep(and then some) at LB this past season. I say train him to go both ways and pray we don't need him....this year...
Then again, if he is that good, play him now!

In 2010, at LB, we lost:

- Tarp (for much of the season)
- Davis (ACL - most of season))
- Nielsen (neck - nearly half the season)
- Hunter (knee - around a third to half of the season)
- Johnson (a few games due to concussions, IIRC)
- Kirksey (missed at least some action due to injury/injuries)
- Tillison (missed some action due to injury ... don't recall what he injured)
- Getz (injured through most of the season)

Lastly, I don't recall about Petersen getting injured, but I wouldn't be shocked if he got injured too.

Anyhow, I've don't believe I've EVER seen our group of LBs so banged up before. It was crazy.

And, of course, it's not like our situation at RB was too peachy either:

- Wegher (AWOL)
- Robinson (concussions and then off-field "issues")
- Hampton (ACL)
- Coker (rehabbing from clavicle injury)

Amusingly, as bad as our RB situation was ... we've all seen worse at Iowa. Sadly amusing. No wonder the Iowa coaches wanted to recruited extra RBs.
Just saw this from EJ, sorry if already posted.

“A different type of player,” Johnson said. “He’s 6-3 and about 250 to 255 pounds. Unbelievable hands. He’s a guy you can play in the slot and do a number of things with. He has good speed and good enough feet to make you miss.”

Coe did play linebacker in the Army all-star game.

“We recruited him as a running back,” Johnson said. “That’s what we thought from day one. That’s what we’re going to start him out as, at running back.”

What did he think about playing linebacker in that game?

“He wasn’t excited about it, but then he bought into the concept and I think he had a really good time in that all-star game and during that week,” Johnson said.

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