
Well-Known Member
You get to go on a road trip to the Arizona game this fall and have to pick three Iowa/Hawkeye personalities from the following list to take with you. Which three do you pick and why?

Jon Miller
Gary Dolphin
Steve Deace
Jamie Pollard
Erin Kiernan (WHOTV)
Andy Fales (WHOTV)
Jim Zobel
Heidi Soliday (KCCI female sports reporter)
John Campbell (KCRG)
Mike Hlas (CR Gazette)
Chet Culver
Terry Branstad
Grant Wood
John Wayne
Matt Roth
You get to go on a road trip to the Arizona game this fall and have to pick three Iowa/Hawkeye personalities from the following list to take with you. Which three do you pick and why?

Jon Miller
Gary Dolphin
Steve Deace
Jamie Pollard
Erin Kiernan (WHOTV)
Andy Fales (WHOTV)
Jim Zobel
Heidi Soliday (KCCI female sports reporter)
John Campbell (KCRG)
Mike Hlas (CR Gazette)
Chet Culver
Terry Branstad
Grant Wood
John Wayne
Matt Roth

I hope nobody picks Erin Kiernan, she's a Husker grad. She wouldn't enjoy the company.
You get to go on a road trip to the Arizona game this fall and have to pick three Iowa/Hawkeye personalities from the following list to take with you. Which three do you pick and why?

Jon Miller
Gary Dolphin
Steve Deace
Jamie Pollard
Erin Kiernan (WHOTV)
Andy Fales (WHOTV)
Jim Zobel
Heidi Soliday (KCCI female sports reporter)
John Campbell (KCRG)
Mike Hlas (CR Gazette)
Chet Culver
Terry Branstad
Grant Wood
John Wayne
Matt Roth

I'm pretty sure Gary Dolphin will already be down there.
Which of these folks can party the hardest? (I know Miller and Podolak are tea-totalers.)
Sobriety and Road Trip Game in AZ are mutually exclusive, so I would pick the three who could hang.
You get to go on a road trip to the Arizona game this fall and have to pick three Iowa/Hawkeye personalities from the following list to take with you. Which three do you pick and why?

Jon Miller
Gary Dolphin
Steve Deace
Jamie Pollard
Erin Kiernan (WHOTV)
Andy Fales (WHOTV)
Jim Zobel
Heidi Soliday (KCCI female sports reporter)
John Campbell (KCRG)
Mike Hlas (CR Gazette)
Chet Culver
Terry Branstad
Grant Wood
John Wayne
Matt Roth

Heidi Soliday hasn't worked at KCCI for a few years now. Andy Garman took her spot as Sports Director and she was let go.
I'd take Zabel 1st. That long of a trip I could talk Iowa football history with that guy the whole trip down there. The others I wouldn't care.
jon miller and deace but they have to argue about iowa football the whole time

and gary dolphin. however all he is allowed to say the whole trip is "touchdown iowa!"
John Wayne would just stink the place up. If I got to go off list I would choose Angerer, Dwight and Roth. Those three would be pure entertainment
Heidi Soliday hasn't worked at KCCI for a few years now. Andy Garman took her spot as Sports Director and she was let go.

I know. Just thought her name would be an interesting one to throw in there.
The list was made up of Iowa personalities, not exclusively fans or Hawks. Thus Kiernan and a few others who are known to be fans of other schools were on the list.