Ricky Stanzi Autograph Signing

I'm not afraid of sharing my opinions, that's for sure. Just because you don't share my opinions doesn't make me a tool. But you can think that if you'd like.
I'm not afraid of sharing my opinions, that's for sure. Just because you don't share my opinions doesn't make me a tool. But you can think that if you'd like.
Any ISU fan that makes his/her home on a Hawkeye board just to start a pisssing match is just that, a damn tool. Get a damn life, this has nothing to do with ISWHO but as usual a troll has to hijack the thread and make it about something that it is not.
Wow that's pretty disrespectful.

Maybe we should just pee on the flag and then set it on fire. It would be in the basement, so no one would see it.

I'm not afraid of sharing my opinions, that's for sure. Just because you don't share my opinions doesn't make me a tool. But you can think that if you'd like.


What are the details of how Stanzi became involved with a 9U baseball team in Ankeny?

I don't think he is necessarily involved w/ them or has a relationship w/ them. I think they were trying to raise money for their season, and just called him up and asked him to do a signing. He gets paid, they fund their entire season on the deal, everybody wins, right?

Well, except for the guy who had Ricky sign the flag- that guy is a d-bag! ;)
What are the details of how Stanzi became involved with a 9U baseball team in Ankeny?

From what I hear someone involved with the team (not sure if it's a coach or just a parent) has the last name Vandenberg. I wondered the same thing as you until I heard that.

I was at the Clayborn signing on Wednesday at The Rookie and the Stanzi signing on Saturday, and must say the Stanzi signing was much better ran. The Rookie sold tickets early, but did not announce this so just when you though the line might start moving 40 people would get to jump in front of you. Also a Stanzi auto (if you brought your own merchandise) was only $10, and Clayborn was $20 (Clayborn will be picked higher though so there's that). Stanzi was also much more personable, and seemed like a really down to earth guy. He was joking around with the kids when one of them spilled something on the floor behind where he was signing.

I don't think he is necessarily involved w/ them or has a relationship w/ them. I think they were trying to raise money for their season, and just called him up and asked him to do a signing. He gets paid, they fund their entire season on the deal, everybody wins, right?

Well, except for the guy who had Ricky sign the flag- that guy is a d-bag! ;)

Correct. Someone involved with the team has the last name Vandenberg though so I believe that's how they were able to pull Stanzi. Know someone who knows someone.
How's it going d-bag? You're not here much anymore!:)

Haha, love you too! :D

Life is busy, so I have to prioritize things. During football season, this is near the top of the list. In the offseason, not as much! : )

Plus I can finally see the light at the end of the graduation tunnel. December 17 I will be a college graduate. Finally!

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