Rick Stanzi - “Just Try And Ruin My Day.â€￾

I have no idea how RS chooses braclets. RS may think this is the greatest thing in the world. I just think it's weird.

I also think RS saying "yes, and would feel bad if he didn't wear it" is indicative of being asked in an inappropriate situation.

I am not trying to judge as I don't know how I'd feel if I were in an emotionally similar position. I like to think that I would not ask a kid younger than my adult son to wear a braclet in support. I am sure I am a horrible person, but I just think it's innappropriate to ask RS on the field after a big win. Really, what is he going to say? Once again, maybe RS thinks it's great.

Since I am not directly involved this will be my last post on a situation that doesn't affect me at all. good luck to all involved.
Thanks for whoever started this forum. I love HawkeyeNation and I love my Hawkeyes. I am the person that is going through the Chemo treatments and yesterday when this story took off it really did make my day. It was a ray of sunshine in a tough situation.

Going through as many treatments as I have and given that I have stage 4 Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma yesterday was a real boost to my system. We have tried a lot of different treatments but my road to beating cancer has been and will continue to be very hard.

It was my mother-in-law that was nice enough to give one of my bracelets to Ricky without me even asking. She was just trying to put a smile on my face and she definately did. I will continue to battle this cancer everyday and we will be victorious no matter how much harder things get! We just have to Fight! Fight! Fight!

My family and I thank all of you who have sent us prayers or thoughts.

GO HAWKS!!!! :)
Kick cancers *** buddy! I do believe that attitude matters a ton in your fight and it appears yours is top notch. You are battling my number 1 neurosis and fear, when you beat this, you can and will beat anything.

Thanks for posting! Welcome to the board. Pretty cool story, and I wish the best of luck to you in your fight.
I wouldn't wish that on someone I like. Either sit behind Peyton or have to live up to his legacy as his replacement? No thanks.

Anyway I keep telling you all it will be the Chiefs. BTW I am not a Chiefs fan.

Stanzi could learn a lot from a guy like Peyton, I think. Plus, with Stanzi, I think that team would have the most former Hawks on one team. And I wouldn't be surprised if Iowa alums made up the largest proportion of players (Clark, Sanders, Angerer, King and head coach Caldwell). But I do agree about having to live up to Peyton's legacy, which would be a big burden.

First off, Rick Stanzi is a stud. I wish the family involved nothing but the best and the individual a speedy recovery.

With that said, I think it is wierd. Doesn't Stanzi wear those bracelets for kids in the childrens hospital?

Not all the bracelets. For example, doesn't he have a Team Edward or Team Jacob bracelet or something?

I have no idea how RS chooses braclets. RS may think this is the greatest thing in the world. I just think it's weird.

I also think RS saying "yes, and would feel bad if he didn't wear it" is indicative of being asked in an inappropriate situation.

I am not trying to judge as I don't know how I'd feel if I were in an emotionally similar position. I like to think that I would not ask a kid younger than my adult son to wear a braclet in support. I am sure I am a horrible person, but I just think it's innappropriate to ask RS on the field after a big win. Really, what is he going to say? Once again, maybe RS thinks it's great.

Since I am not directly involved this will be my last post on a situation that doesn't affect me at all. good luck to all involved.

I can see where you're coming from, and how Stanzi may have been somewhat forced into his answer, but I think the real answer to your question is right below your post.
I wouldn't wish that on someone I like. Either sit behind Peyton or have to live up to his legacy as his replacement? No thanks.

Anyway I keep telling you all it will be the Chiefs. BTW I am not a Chiefs fan.

he would learn so much from peyton manning it will be ridiculous. look how much he's learned from last year to this year pretty much on his own(meaning no older player to learn from). now put one of the greatest ever as his teacher?

and then what edr said.

to the guy this thread is about, good luck man! keep fighting and be strong! all of hawkeyenation is pulling for you!
Wow great story, good luck to you and you and your family will be in my prayers. Ive witnessed first hand what cancer can do to a family. Its a ruthless disease that doesnt care how old you are or who you are. Thanks for posting man! Keep up the great attitude and kick cancer in the butt.

On the other subject(ricky)did anybody see Big Ten Football and Beyond last night im not sure what his name is but one of the commentators put ricky at 4 out of 5 in heisman race. I know its a long shot even if we win out but its nice to see that someone is recognizing what a outstanding year and career he has had.
Thanks for whoever started this forum. I love HawkeyeNation and I love my Hawkeyes. I am the person that is going through the Chemo treatments and yesterday when this story took off it really did make my day. It was a ray of sunshine in a tough situation.

Going through as many treatments as I have and given that I have stage 4 Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma yesterday was a real boost to my system. We have tried a lot of different treatments but my road to beating cancer has been and will continue to be very hard.

It was my mother-in-law that was nice enough to give one of my bracelets to Ricky without me even asking. She was just trying to put a smile on my face and she definately did. I will continue to battle this cancer everyday and we will be victorious no matter how much harder things get! We just have to Fight! Fight! Fight!

My family and I thank all of you who have sent us prayers or thoughts.

GO HAWKS!!!! :)

We'll be saying prayers for you. Keep up the good fight and may your recovery be smooth and easier than you expected.
Thanks for whoever started this forum. I love HawkeyeNation and I love my Hawkeyes. I am the person that is going through the Chemo treatments and yesterday when this story took off it really did make my day. It was a ray of sunshine in a tough situation.

Going through as many treatments as I have and given that I have stage 4 Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma yesterday was a real boost to my system. We have tried a lot of different treatments but my road to beating cancer has been and will continue to be very hard.

It was my mother-in-law that was nice enough to give one of my bracelets to Ricky without me even asking. She was just trying to put a smile on my face and she definately did. I will continue to battle this cancer everyday and we will be victorious no matter how much harder things get! We just have to Fight! Fight! Fight!

My family and I thank all of you who have sent us prayers or thoughts.

GO HAWKS!!!! :)

As has been said, our prayers go out to you. Good luck,and keep fighting like the Hawkeye you obviously are...

Ricky really gets it,and always has...his family must be so proud.
Thanks for whoever started this forum. I love HawkeyeNation and I love my Hawkeyes. I am the person that is going through the Chemo treatments and yesterday when this story took off it really did make my day. It was a ray of sunshine in a tough situation.

Going through as many treatments as I have and given that I have stage 4 Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma yesterday was a real boost to my system. We have tried a lot of different treatments but my road to beating cancer has been and will continue to be very hard.

It was my mother-in-law that was nice enough to give one of my bracelets to Ricky without me even asking. She was just trying to put a smile on my face and she definately did. I will continue to battle this cancer everyday and we will be victorious no matter how much harder things get! We just have to Fight! Fight! Fight!

My family and I thank all of you who have sent us prayers or thoughts.

GO HAWKS!!!! :)

Hey Pritchard, look at my picture...... It's me, Chris! Sorry to hear about your troubles.... I remember playing poker with our crew in the basement of Rider Hall! After Iowa City, I have moved to Texas. Best of luck long lost friend!

Let's hit up a O.A.R. concert sometime together :). Where can I send some money to help?
Thanks for whoever started this forum. I love HawkeyeNation and I love my Hawkeyes. I am the person that is going through the Chemo treatments and yesterday when this story took off it really did make my day. It was a ray of sunshine in a tough situation.

Hang in there my friend and know the Hawkeye faithful are all pulling for you!

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