Rich Rod Getting Investigated at West Virginia

Rich Rod = Pete Carrol

Mich already has been investigated just a couple years into his tenure.

My way or another he won't be coaching there in 2 years.
I shot that article to a buddy of mine that is a Pitt grad. He is smiling from ear to ear hearing this news.
Wrong, at least Pete Carrol cheated to win. Rich Rod cheats to be terrible in a good conference, or above average in a terrible conference.
And Pete had an escape pod ready, just in case. Where does Rich Rod go if they find real improprieties? :)
Wrong, at least Pete Carrol cheated to win. Rich Rod cheats to be terrible in a good conference, or above average in a terrible conference.

And, while the W/L comparison is not correct, I also don't equate the two as terms of dbag cheaters. RRod has been implicated many times in many different scenarios, for different teams and on and off the field. Do I believe Carroll cheated? Yes. Do I believe him to be the kind of person RRod appears to be? No.
WV is acting like a jilted lover.....get over it.

Nebby: I know you have spent a number of years hanging out with a bunch of folk from south of the Mason Dixon line. But we try to do things with a little more class and reason up here.

This is an NCAA investigation. It started because WVU realized that they were doing the same things that led to the Michigan violations. The current coach even said he was doing it. RR set up that system and nobody checked to see whether it was within the guidelines. WVU decided they had better self-report to avoid further penalties.

Thinking this is some kind of revenge scenario sounds like the same kind of backwards reasoning I hear down here on Southern Sports Talk Radio. We expect a little more than that in the B10.
I wonder how Steve Deace is taking the news. I'm pretty sure this doesn't help Michigan's case any.

The number of wins RR needs to keep his job keeps growing.
RichRod's days a UM are numbered. There are many influential alum that want him out and Bill Martin - the AD who hired him - has retired. Combine these two facts with the most dismal two year period in Michigan footballs storied history, add the sleaze factor he has brought with him and it's very easy to see just how thin of a line he is walking.
Nicely played.

However, I don't think the improprieties are going to be anything different than what was found at Michigan, which fortunately for RR can be argued away as the unintentional result of ignorrance.

Also, in response to the poster that said, WVU has nothing to do with this, this isn't quite correct. The did self-report. But that is only because when Michigan got dinged, they realized that RR had set up the same program at WVU and they were still running it. The self-reporting was a way to show that they had gotten a handle on it and had made the appropriate corrections.

Because while you are talking about a two summer phase at Michigan, you are talking about years at WVU. So, this is more about them trying to CYA instead of some form of retribution.
Nicely played.

However, I don't think the improprieties are going to be anything different than what was found at Michigan, which fortunately for RR can be argued away as the unintentional result of ignorrance.

Also, in response to the poster that said, WVU has nothing to do with this, this isn't quite correct. The did self-report. But that is only because when Michigan got dinged, they realized that RR had set up the same program at WVU and they were still running it. The self-reporting was a way to show that they had gotten a handle on it and had made the appropriate corrections.

Because while you are talking about a two summer phase at Michigan, you are talking about years at WVU. So, this is more about them trying to CYA instead of some form of retribution.
Actually, I think if they prove RR did these same things at WV, it will prove a pattern, not ignorance. Just my opinion.

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