Revise your record for the year here...

I will stick by my last post prior to the game of 9-3 with losses to Michigan and Ohio State. Would not be shocked to also lose to Wisconsin.

"Wait til next year"
11-1 or 10-2 if we stay relatively healthy.

That was a good AZ team, that came in prepared and earned what they got. That was a tough venue and an impossible way to start a game. I thought Iowa showed some moxy fighting back under those circumstances. They will get better from this experience.
I really can't believe what I've been reading by other posters. Obviously there are problems on special teams, but that WILL be corrected. When you get into a huge 27-7 hole at halftime, you have to change your gameplan, like Iowa did on offense. Everyone knows they want to pound the football. Yeah the running game looked bad, but had we not been trying to dig ourselves out of the grave, I feel the running game could have steadily improved. Instead we throw the ball and make three touchdowns. Basically three fluky plays completely changed the style of this game.

Yes the offensive line looked less than impressive, and yes the running game struggled, and yes special teams left little to be desired, but this team is still good. This team still has leadership, and yes this team still has some magic left.

My prediction: 11-1 with a close win against Ohio State and head to the Rose Bowl, to play, you guessed it, Arizona, and get our chance for redemption.