Remember about 5 years ago...


Well-Known Member
Dace and Moeaki standing at the Army All-American game and in unison saying "WE want to play in the Rose bowl, so we're going to Iowa." Is destiny at work? If Iowa goes to National Championship (hey, you never know) any other year, it's not in Pasadena. They have 2 chances to get there this year. If anything I hope the Hawks get there for these two guys, who might be the greatest, and saddest stories of the recruits from 2005.
Yeah, those too definitely have had some of the worst luck to the bunch. Even though I think a couple of other guys from that class had their careers ended for one reason or another too.
No, it was definitely Dace and Tony. They committed at the same time or something? And they both were quoted as saying they wanted to go to Iowa because they wanted to play in the Rose Bowl.
I'm pretty sure it was Dace and Tony, and they did it together because they were teammates in high school. That's how I remember it. I'll look for video of it. I think it would be great if Iowa could make the Rose Bowl; Dace could come back for one last game as football player, and Tony could dominate one more time before going pro.
They are warriors, plain and simple. Alot of guys would call it quits after a few injuries. These guys have heart and desire to play this game. I commend them for it
They are warriors, plain and simple. Alot of guys would call it quits after a few injuries. These guys have heart and desire to play this game. I commend them for it

This is exactly the reason why The Hawkeyes are where they are today. The influence guys like Moeaki and Richardson have on the underclassmen is incalculable.

(For those of you in Minnesota...That means it-can-not-be-measured.)