Reiff a Lion

I'm not at all surprised he slipped this far down. There were two first round picks that jumped out at me as being poor choices. That's the Dolphins taking Tannehill at #8 and the Rams taking Michael Brockers at #14. Reiff definitely could have gone in front of Brockers. I understand Mike Sherman wanting to reunite with Tannehill. I just don't think he's going to be a very good NFL QB. I'm not a big fan of his release or his accuracy, but to his credit the A+M receivers dropped a lot of balls. I really don't understand the Brockers decision though. That team has a ton of needs. Just doesn't make sense to me that they wasted their first pick on a guy they would have had a shot getting later on.

I love Reiff going to the Lions. I'm not a big fan of Jim Schwartz because of his little tantrum he threw after Harbaugh slapped him on the back (I'm a 49ers fan). However, the Lions are a team that is turning the corner and should be good for quite awhile. Stafford is injury prone and they needed help protecting him. I heard Reiff wanted to stay away from the "big city life". Detroit is a pretty big city, but he doesn't have to live right in it. Plus it isn't near as distracting as living somewhere like New York or Miami. I think his aggressive mentality will fit in well in the Motor City. Practicing against Suh will certainly help him fine tune his skills!

I agree with some of your analysis, as well as the schwartz comment. Maybe Reiff can further make the Lions a better team and less "thug" like (ala, settle Suh down).

What's missed in all this is who the real winner is...Ryan Tannehill. Top 10 1st rounder, but....His newlywed wife is a knockout babe. Obviously the Fins were looking out for the eye candy in their line of thinking.
Tannehill's wife steals his thunder on draft night. WOW!

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