Reese Morgan Voices Frustration in Regards to Drew Ott Case

You would think if there's ever a case to grant the 5th year when it's not "letter of the law", this would be it. Others have gotten even a 6th year, but alas, it took the NCAA months to say no. I'm obviously biased, this just seems BS.
The Ten Commandments was on tv last weekend. It's time to invoke some famine, pestilence, river of blood, locusts type scourge on the NCAA. So Let It Be Written, So Let It Be Done.
The NCAA has to be the most inept organization in the sports world. Well, yeah, I guess you could make the argument that ESPN is right there with them.
Is there a legal fund to support Ott? He played in 24% of quarters this season, and probably under 25% his freshman year. He clearly should be granted another year. He only played the equivalent of 2.5 years. This should be an open and shut case. I would support him if he sued the NCAA.
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The time its taken is the most frustrating part. Seriously, if it's a 'no' at THIS point, than why wasn't it a 'no' from the beginning? Nothing has changed... What are they waiting for? You can't honestly tell me it has taken them this long to actually review it.... well then what is taking them so long? They do so much stuff in the shadows without procedures in place and without public knowledge. It's absolute crap.
If this was a player on one of the NCAA's "cash cow" programs like Ohio State or Alabama, you know a decision would have been rendered by now and it would have been favorable. Shameful inaction by a shameful institution. Time to shut it down.
If this was a player on one of the NCAA's "cash cow" programs like Ohio State or Alabama, you know a decision would have been rendered by now and it would have been favorable. Shameful inaction by a shameful institution. Time to shut it down.

This is likely all true. Didn't OSU just get a favorable ruling on a 6th year, in a similar situation.

It all makes no sense.
If this was a player on one of the NCAA's "cash cow" programs like Ohio State or Alabama, you know a decision would have been rendered by now and it would have been favorable. Shameful inaction by a shameful institution. Time to shut it down.

Thats a reality, not a hypothetical.

These frauds are just begging to be sued into oblivion.
As I said weeks ago. This level of incompetence, especially when it's compounded by inconsistent and arbitrary application, needs to be eradicated. It's to the point where there is only one option - revolt.

Iowa needs to immediately take this to the court of public opinion. Hold a press conference for the sole purposes of exposing and attacking the ineptitude, hyprocrisy and bias of the NCAA, telling it to f-off and inform the college football nation that Drew Ott will begin full participation as a 5th-year student athlete.

Whadda they gonna do? Send in the suits to physically remove him from the practice / playing field? Imprison Ferentz & Barta? Oh, wait, not the dreaded "vacate the games" BFD! It's not like Iowa's gonna have some monster season where those 7 or 8 W's mean so much in the record books.

Iowa could be the flag-bearer of the revolution and the talk of the town. They would inspire every talking head and media outlet to call the entire bureaucracy of the NCAA into question. Hawkeye Nation would grow, exponentially, if for no other reason than to follow / support the anarchy. This leads to every game being televised to serve those eyes. If the NCAA tried to step in and bully the networks or the B14, you now not only have imputed bias, you have a civil case of blatant, targeted discrimination.

Here's the catch - The Iowa Athletic Administration & Sports Marketing Department would have to grow a set and execute the plan. That's not entirely hopeless but is an enormous obstacle.
I am hearing conflicting stories.

One version is ott and Iowa filed in oct-2015 and have heard nothing back all this time.

Another version is Ott and Iowa have been told no several times and Ott and Iowa keep submitting appeals, making Ott and Iowa the ones who are dragging this out.

Which version is the truth?

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