Recruits Reactions to NW Game


Well-Known Member
I saw that we had a lot of big names visiting last nights game. Unfortunately I couldn't attend yesterdays game, so I wasn't able to grease any palms, but it looked like the crowd was rockin' pretty hard. Hopefully getting the W and the awesome night game atmosphere of Kinnick made a big impression on the recruits.

Anyone hear anything yet? I'm keeping a close eye on twitter for some coach EJ tweets!
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I saw that we had a lot of big names for visiting last nights game. Unfortunately I couldn't to attend yesterdays game, so I wasn't able to grease any palms, but it looked like the crowd was rockin' pretty hard. Hopefully getting the W and the awesome night game atmosphere of Kinnick made a big impression on the recruits.

Anyone hear anything yet? I'm keeping a close eye on twitter for some coach EJ tweets!

This isn't OSU bro. :D
I saw that we had a lot of big names for visiting last nights game. Unfortunately I couldn't to attend yesterdays game, so I wasn't able to grease any palms, but it looked like the crowd was rockin' pretty hard. Hopefully getting the W and the awesome night game atmosphere of Kinnick made a big impression on the recruits.

Anyone hear anything yet? I'm keeping a close eye on twitter for some coach EJ tweets!

This isn't OSU bro. :D

I don't think Ian is a tattoo artist. (you see what I did there)
If the recruits were not impressed with the participation and enthusiasm of the crowd yesterday then I am not sure we want them coming to Iowa. Witnessing the team take care of business could not hurt either.
If the recruits were not impressed with the participation and enthusiasm of the crowd yesterday then I am not sure we want them coming to Iowa. Witnessing the team take care of business could not hurt either.

I put the game crowd intensity at 6 on a scale of 1-10. However I was at the 1985 "the kick" game and NOthing will ever come close to that game. ISU 2002 was close. Michigan 200? was pretty good. I haven't missed a "big" home game in 20 years so I have some experience. 1985 was a 20 on a scale of 1-10..the place was so loud the stands were vibrating.
I put the game crowd intensity at 6 on a scale of 1-10. However I was at the 1985 "the kick" game and NOthing will ever come close to that game. ISU 2002 was close. Michigan 200? was pretty good. I haven't missed a "big" home game in 20 years so I have some experience. 1985 was a 20 on a scale of 1-10..the place was so loud the stands were vibrating.

It was pretty loud right there in the first row of the student section. I couldn't hear my friends when they talked for most of the game. Although, some moments it was sort of dead.
Anthony Morgan tweeted...

Iowa visit=AMAZING!!!

Hopefully they all got that impression, I sure did. As corny as the card stunt sounded, it looked awesome from the stands last night!
Anthony Morgan tweeted...Iowa visit=AMAZING!!!Hopefully they all got that impression, I sure did. As corny as the card stunt sounded, it looked awesome from the stands last night!

did big ten network get a view of it?
My sister and boys watched the game from home on BTN. They were late getting to the game and only showed some picures of the card stunt in the 4th quarter.
If the recruits were not impressed with the participation and enthusiasm of the crowd yesterday then I am not sure we want them coming to Iowa. Witnessing the team take care of business could not hurt either.
I assume if they weren't impressed they wouldn't be coming to Iowa anyway. Is there evidence to the contrary?
My sister and boys watched the game from home on BTN. They were late getting to the game and only showed some picures of the card stunt in the 4th quarter.

This is bad information. I tuned to BTN around 5:45ish, and they were already at the Iowa game showing the Marching Band and showing taped feed of the card stunt.
This is bad information. I tuned to BTN around 5:45ish, and they were already at the Iowa game showing the Marching Band and showing taped feed of the card stunt.

Yep it looked pretty sweet on TV, and they actually showed replay the first or second timeout of the game I believe.
It appears that the Northwestern game was a really strategic recruiting move. Really aggressive ... I like it ... and I'm impressed.
Yeah, if we lost that game or the card stunt went horribly wrong, a lot of things could have ruined that night but it went great and def payed off.
How hard is it to hold up a card??

Pretty darn hard. First, the db behind us took ours for his crumb cruncher, and after we got them back, the weighed a ton!

Well, the guy did take them...

It was a complex pattern and I was amazed when it actually worked.

They also made large paper airplanes. One nailed a woman in the back of the head and just about downed her. I did NOT throw that one.