Recruiting Predictions

I love how Caar is implying he made some scholarly argument about Dillard.

As if he had sound premises which led to a conclusion, as opposed to some ignorant rant.

Caar wanted Dillard fired for a lack of recruiting success and midwestern connections, although he was White's lead recruiter, was Cezar's and is Hubbard's lead recruiter, and has midwest connections when it comes to two Illinois 2012 recruits.

Not a scholarly argument, but an argument that involved premises leading to conclusions. You guys helped me out by showing that my premises were not correct. This is not scholarship, it is democratic discourse. It is what Plato advocates in his dialogues, which portray Socrates showing people the folly of their incorrect positions. Everyone learns. Just like people learned from my incorrect premises. In fact the best way to learn is to be incorrect and have your position challenged. You will not forget that lesson.

The difference is, I appreciate learning in this way, when others either get defensive or abusive when their positions are challenged, or they see fault in other's position. They would rather go Maddow and O'Reilly and attack people's character than engage in a civilized argument.

This is the problem with the Internet, it often is seen as a place where people can engage in dialogue in a democratic fashion about the issues pertinent to a civil society. Unfortunately, as Plato argued in his dialogues, society is all too often full of individuals who would most often rather say "na, na, nana, na," than engage in a civil exchange of ideas.
Can Plato or Socrates play ball? If so, cool...otherwise,it is surprising to see them referenced in a bb thread. Who says that Iowa is not a stellar institution of higher learning...our fans debate the great philosophers in bb recruiting threads!
Maddow and OReilly are not polar opposites...Maddow tends to stay factual,while OReilly ''goes with the gut''. She aint perfect,but at least she actually delves into a topic with more depth than OReilly and his crew.
Can Plato or Socrates play ball? If so, cool...otherwise,it is surprising to see them referenced in a bb thread. Who says that Iowa is not a stellar institution of higher learning...our fans debate the great philosophers in bb recruiting threads!
Maddow and OReilly are not polar opposites...Maddow tends to stay factual,while OReilly ''goes with the gut''. She aint perfect,but at least she actually delves into a topic with more depth than OReilly and his crew.

Socrates had a mean cross-over I heard.
Sometimes I just think it is hysterical how fans make claims with virtually no data or support.

Kind of like your claim in the football forum: "But Alvis is the guy who is going to turn heads. He will be Iowa's next have to get him on the field D lineman." ;):D

We all make claims on these boards without much "data" to speak of. Sometimes you kindda go off the deep end CAAR, your rant on Dillard, and now saying that Lick was doing as well after his first year. You are only looking at the *'s behind the names of the recruits, instead of seeing that Fran brought in better talent in 2 months (Cartwright and Basabe) than Lick did in 3 years. You have said many times that you are excited about White (as am I). Also after the first year, it still looked like Iowa wasn't even close to mastering Lick's "system". Under Fran it looks like his system is in place, he just needs some more players to execute it. Under Lick we were losing players right and left, and couldn't get players to by into the system or even like the coach. With Fran they are not only staying (Cully exception) and they all seem to like and respect Fran and the system.

Those to me are all GLARING differences between the two. With Lick I was hoping his system would work. With Fran I am confident his style will succeed.
Sometimes I just think it is hysterical how fans make claims with virtually no data or support.

Fran has turned the program around already? Seriously? We hope that isn't the issue soon, but it is still very much a work in progress.
Both are true. You can turn a car around and clearly be heading the other direction...but still have a ways to go to your journey.

If you can't recognize the difference between this year, and the end of Lick's run... i'm not sure it can be explained to you.
Must be really painful for you to watch the Hawks, Car. Maybe you should take a break next year. Save yourself some serious misery.

Brust played maybe ten minutes all season. Larson rode the pine and will probably go to prison. What is your point about Lick's magnificent three star recruits? Seriously.
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Car, maybe you can get this Plato guy to come on board. I checked Rivals and couldn't find any mention of him. Same with SoCrates. Wait a minute, I found some video on this SoCrates you mentioned and I really don't think he can provide the scoring and rebounding we need. Any other suggestions on how to sail the ship....

[ame=""]YouTube - Bill & Ted meet Socrates[/ame]

Dust in the wind, Dude....
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