Recruiting Iowa


Well-Known Member
I just looked at the Iowa Football Roster on and was curious about Iowa's offensive line. Iowa has been labeled “O-Line U†by many and they certainly have put a lot of players in that position in the NFL. Given that track record I’m curious why we are not attracting a lot of high-end, out-of-state talent.

I understand that over the years some of Iowa’s best offensive lineman came from the cornfields of Iowa so I don’t mean that to completely discount the homeboys from Iowa but I would have thought the recruiting footprint at that position would be more geographically diverse than it is.

O-Line by Class from Iowa
Fr – 4/5
Rs-Fr – 4/4
So – 2/3
Jr – 2/5
Sr – 2/3

Total O-Line from Iowa
14 out of 20

So far the 2016 class has two offensive lineman ... both from Iowa.
It seems to me like a lot of the Iowa lineman are underrated. In many cases they end up being better players for Iowa than the out of state players. That is the reason the coaching staff wants them on the team.
I just looked at the Iowa Football Roster on and was curious about Iowa's offensive line. Iowa has been labeled “O-Line U†by many and they certainly have put a lot of players in that position in the NFL. Given that track record I’m curious why we are not attracting a lot of high-end, out-of-state talent.

I understand that over the years some of Iowa’s best offensive lineman came from the cornfields of Iowa so I don’t mean that to completely discount the homeboys from Iowa but I would have thought the recruiting footprint at that position would be more geographically diverse than it is.

O-Line by Class from Iowa
Fr – 4/5
Rs-Fr – 4/4
So – 2/3
Jr – 2/5
Sr – 2/3

Total O-Line from Iowa
14 out of 20

So far the 2016 class has two offensive lineman ... both from Iowa.

The best position they can field from Iowa kids is on the OL....They are hard working kids that bulk up and give it their all. I would rather have a 2/3 star Iowa farm boy than a lazy 4* kid who doesn't give it their all.
Most, if not all, are guys who camped a Iowa. This gives the coaches more of a feel of the type of player they will be than just tape and interviews. That is why I usually don't get nervous about the linemen that get offers coming out of camp.

If only we could get some skill position players to camp...
The best position they can field from Iowa kids is on the OL....They are hard working kids that bulk up and give it their all. I would rather have a 2/3 star Iowa farm boy than a lazy 4* kid who doesn't give it their all.

Hard to argue with that.
If I've said it once I've said it a million times. KF gets the benefit of the doubt when it comes to recruiting Olineman.... I don't care if he's taking a black kid from the ghetto or the corn fields of an 8 man football school in Iowa if KF thinks he can mold him into a Olineman after being Doyalized for 2 or 3 years then he has my support.

Now when it comes to WRs RBs and LBs the last couple yrs... We'll just have to see. But since the majority of the Olineman are from Iowa then that's just a big fat feather under his cap we should all be proud of.
The best position they can field from Iowa kids is on the OL....They are hard working kids that bulk up and give it their all. I would rather have a 2/3 star Iowa farm boy than a lazy 4* kid who doesn't give it their all.

if only it was an "either / or " proposition
IMO, choosing Jake over CJ is one reason why skill players aren't coming to Iowa.
This statement may have been taken too concretely. Let me explain: Having KF in control of Iowa's offense is a sure reason why Iowa can't get 'high quality' athletes to play offense because, when it comes to offense, KF is offensively challenged.

Here are examples of KF bumblings on offense: Having KMM as a prime receiving target. Phasing Wegher out of the offense. That other receiver that tried to get back with Iowa. The trials and tribulations with DJK (didn't think he was pro material but was good for Iowa).
Running Weisman all the time. Choosing Jake over CJ at QB.

Any high quality athlete wanting to play offense is going to sense a pattern, here. That Iowa's offense is going to be slow and cumbersome which will make the high quantity athlete want to go elsewhere.

Do you think the high quality athlete who wants to play offense has motivation and incentive to succeed? How do you think they got to be a high quality athlete?
Started way before that, but really nice try.

He just said it was one reason. Having Jake start over CJ has hindered us in recent years towards getting good skill position players.

Plus, the reputation as being a conservative, predictable, run first offense hasn't helped either.
I just looked at the Iowa Football Roster on and was curious about Iowa's offensive line. Iowa has been labeled “O-Line U†by many and they certainly have put a lot of players in that position in the NFL. Given that track record I’m curious why we are not attracting a lot of high-end, out-of-state talent.

I understand that over the years some of Iowa’s best offensive lineman came from the cornfields of Iowa so I don’t mean that to completely discount the homeboys from Iowa but I would have thought the recruiting footprint at that position would be more geographically diverse than it is.

O-Line by Class from Iowa
Fr – 4/5
Rs-Fr – 4/4
So – 2/3
Jr – 2/5
Sr – 2/3

Total O-Line from Iowa
14 out of 20

So far the 2016 class has two offensive lineman ... both from Iowa.
With our history of developing lineman I'm not worried about it. During the Nebraska glory years they went decades with Nebraska plowboys as their lineman. These farm kids have core strength and they work hard and dedication. Without these attributes you don't have good offensive linemen. I give credit to these kids. Old fashion values are not dead.
It seems to me like a lot of the Iowa lineman are underrated. In many cases they end up being better players for Iowa than the out of state players. That is the reason the coaching staff wants them on the team.

Marshall Yanda, Brandon Scherff, Robert Gallery, Julian Vandevelde, etc.
All NFL Offensive Lineman..........why wouldn't the Hawkeye staff stock-up on
hard working, Iowa kids?
You actually made my point for me. totally missed my sarcasm.

I take it you plan to take the "Wegher-didn't-quit-he-was-'phased out'-nothing-to-do-with-off-field-issues" mantra to the grave?

Or are you also on the Oklahoma boards telling everyone Stoops phased him out, too?

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