Recruit visits


Active Member
How many official visits are we allowed for basketball and how many are left for the 2011 year?

There are plenty of guards who have not visited with Glover, Stokes, Carter, Mann, Miller that are possibles. Are there enough visits left to explore all? Who are we most likely to get?

Also, if we strike out on Olesani, the only true big man that has mutual interest that we heard about, are there others that we can offer official visits to.

My ideal scenario is to get a PG/CG, a JUCO PF/C that is physically ready to rebound and defend, and Olesani, who can develop.

Lastly, Hubbard and Olesani are visiting Neb and OK on weekends with spring football. That has to help a little in the recruiting process. Do we have any 2011 recruits visiting for our spring game?

Any information would be helpful
Wow, that makes me nervous, especially if we strike out on Olesani.

We need a big man and I do not see many names out there. If just 2 officals left, does not leave much to woo a recruit.

I hope that means we do not settle for Cougill if we strike out on the one big man we hear about.

Katenda is a player very similar to White and Basabe and not a true inside player/defensive presence.
I wouldn't get too nervous about it. If we strike out on Olesani, I think we will go the Juco route for a big. Official visits are more vital for your incoming freshman. Most JC players that end up going D1 have been through the process before. There are exceptions of course, but a lot of these JC players took all these trips before not qualifying. I know when I played we had a couple of guys commit without even visiting the school.

I wouldn't expect a Cougil offer, regardless of what happens with Olaseni. I'd look at UNI to possibly make a push for him. A couple of other MVC teams have shown a little interest for him as well.

I think if Olaseni gets that OU offer, he's gone. Otherwise I think he ends up a Hawk.
Agree that Cougill is out of the picture, period. McCaffrey would be better served to bank a scholarship than offer a guy that doesn't fit his system and could potentially cost us a kid down the road. Worst case scenario we bring in a juco PF to plug the gap and give us some bulk down low.

Official visits are nice, but if kids are sitting around after the early signing period is over, they won't be expecting the red carpet treatment. If memory serves, the staff offered Cartwright based on watching some game film and I don't think he visited Iowa City until he arrived for classes.
I remain hopeful.
Still feel we need that strong banger type inside player.

And I hope for Carter as I feel he is a guard that is ready to play. Stokes would be my 2nd choice.

Thanks for the feedback
Don't get too wound up over any one particular player. That's an exercise in frustration. Fran will bring in the right players. Keep the faith.
Let's see....

That's all I can think of. Little help?

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