Recklessness of Petrino


Well-Known Member
Let me say that I am not shocked one bit that Bobby Petrino had apparently hired a little side piece to "help out" the fb program. The guy has shown on several occassions a lack of professional integrity so its no surprise he has moral integrity issues as well. What always shocks me in these cases is the recklessness manner in which people get caught. Petrino is arguably the most recognized man in the state, makes 3M yr, has a wife a and 4 kids and thinks it is a good idea to just cruise around (no helmet) with a 25 yr old blonde employee on a motorcyle? I am no shrink, but guys like Petrino must actually believe they are invincible and untouchable. Must be a byproduct of all the boosters and fans kissing your a$$ all the time.
Some coaches handle it better then others. The lying to school and fans blows my mind. did he think that something thats a matter of public record wouldn't come out? If he'd have told a half truth and just said yea she was riding with me so what.... He still could have denied the relationship part. Nobody would have probably bought it but nevertheless. I wonder if in a state where you can marry your sister and cousins that they'd actually fire him for lying about having an affair with a young gal whom he hired for a job. His relationship with her wouldn't have mattered untill he hired her for the job. Other then that he's just another ****** bag cheating on his wife.
What I love most is the "statements" they release after they are caught. "Oh yeah, by the way, I had this woman on the back of my bike who is half my age. She happens to be the person I hired to help with some of the recruiting aspects." ... Deeply sorry ... to his wife, kids ... Razorback nation ... and of course, he is mostly sorry THAT HE GOT CAUGHT. This idiots amaze me.

The sad part is ... he will most likely keep his job since he was turned them into winners. If he was a mediocre coach he would have already been dismissed. But, funny how people will be willing to overlook this little "mishap" in exchange for wins on the football field.
He is a good football coach, but dude is shady. I do not think I would ever hire him as an HC, but as an OC that would be a tough call he can run an offense.
Let me say that I am not shocked one bit that Bobby Petrino had apparently hired a little side piece to "help out" the fb program. The guy has shown on several occassions a lack of professional integrity so its no surprise he has moral integrity issues as well. What always shocks me in these cases is the recklessness manner in which people get caught. Petrino is arguably the most recognized man in the state, makes 3M yr, has a wife a and 4 kids and thinks it is a good idea to just cruise around (no helmet) with a 25 yr old blonde employee on a motorcyle? I am no shrink, but guys like Petrino must actually believe they are invincible and untouchable. Must be a byproduct of all the boosters and fans kissing your a$$ all the time.

Shouldn't be shocking to anyone especially the way he left the Falcons and their owner high and dry in the middle of the night. Why kids would go play for that tooool is beyond me.
Arkansas loves to hire the shady character, good old boy Houston Nutt had his share of scandal while coaching the hogs.
The sad part is ... he will most likely keep his job since he was turned them into winners. If he was a mediocre coach he would have already been dismissed. But, funny how people will be willing to overlook this little "mishap" in exchange for wins on the football field.

If there are no sexual harassment charges and petrino doesnt have a morals clause in his contract this will probably all blow over (no pun intended) especially if the team has a very good season. just win baby.