Well-Known Member
I don't mean to be negative but lets be honest with ourselves here... Iowa will not ever be an OSU or Alabama when it comes to program status. Which in turn means we will continue to be middle of the pack in recruiting and on the field performances and have "decent" seasons with a special one or two thrown in every decade. Once in a blue moon we will find a "diamond in the rough" and the Captain or whoever is the coach will get praise to having an "eye" for talent. I have just been reading everyones negativity on the boards and I too feel ****ed off about where the program is at, but after drinking my coffee and really searching deep down in my soul I found peace with it all. If I was a stud (which I am not) 4 or5* athlete from Cali, Fl, or somewhere other than Iowa and had no family ties there wouldn't even look at Iowa atm either. Sorry maybe its the coffee talking but I keep **** real. Call me a troll or what makes you warm and fuzzy inside but yall know deep down its the truth.