Realignment/Expansion - Big 10


Well-Known Member
Let's get one thing straight...the Big 10 will NOT add teams with the sole purpose of moving to a 14 or 16 team conference. The only teams that will be added must bring enough additional revenue such that all teams in the league will end up with more money. There are very few such teams in college athletics. Teams such as Iowa State are not in that elite group.

The Big 10 may or may not expand, but there won't be new teams added for "filler", as some of you are saying. The Big 10 doesn't add "filler" teams.

Also...academics DO matter, at least in the Big 10. So forget the Oklahoma, Oklahoma State, and Kansas State nonsense.
I agree, but if we were to add Notre Dame we would probably look to add Missouri to fill out an even numbered conference. Even though we could add Missouri right now without Notre Dame, that's what I mean by a filler team. A team you could add at anytime that you only add to even out a conference.
Let's get one thing straight...the Big 10 will NOT add teams with the sole purpose of moving to a 14 or 16 team conference. The only teams that will be added must bring enough additional revenue such that all teams in the league will end up with more money. There are very few such teams in college athletics. Teams such as Iowa State are not in that elite group.

The Big 10 may or may not expand, but there won't be new teams added for "filler", as some of you are saying. The Big 10 doesn't add "filler" teams.

Also...academics DO matter, at least in the Big 10. So forget the Oklahoma, Oklahoma State, and Kansas State nonsense.


Everybody throws names out there without answering the $30 million question. Anyone admitted to the Big Ten will have to generate about $30 million a year in revenue sharing funds. There are very few schools that can generate that kind of money.

Every school in the Big Ten will receive well over $25 million in revenue sharing this year. In contrast, Iowa State will probably receive from the Big 12 less than half of what Iowa receives from Big Ten.
Yeah, that's not going to happen at 13. They won't be at 13 for 18 *days*.

Agreed when your 11 teams you all are playing to be at top of one conference standings, doesn't matter if their's ten or eleven, but if you have 13 then one division has more teams to beat in the divisional standings. And it's a scheduling problem, cause all teams in a divison need to play each other. If you have one more team in a division it causes scheduling problems. You'd need to add a 14th team and that's what I mean as a filler team.
Agreed when your 11 teams you all are playing to be at top of one conference standings, doesn't matter if their's ten or eleven, but if you have 13 then one division has more teams to beat in the divisional standings. And it's a scheduling problem, cause all teams in a divison need to play each other. If you have one more team in a division it causes scheduling problems. You'd need to add a 14th team and that's what I mean as a filler team.

We know what you mean by 'filler team'. But it's never going to be Iowa State.

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