RB Tevin Shaw per TOS

No sympathy here. The door goes both ways. Its ******** for a kid to think a school is going to hold a spot for you while you look around for something better. Unless of course, you are some 5 star prima donna, which Shaw is not.

He looks like a good player, I would have liked to of had him, but the coaches know what they need better than we do. With the addition of Hill, our RB roster looks fairly deep, which we know is needed. I think the steal of the class is Andre Dawson as a walk on. I would not be shocked if he was the starter. The kid can play.
Pulling Caldwell's offer plus this article, I definitely get the impression we are sitting well with several more recruits. I think it's going to be a fun couple of days!
Pulling Caldwell's offer plus this article, I definitely get the impression we are sitting well with several more recruits. I think it's going to be a fun couple of days!

My thought, too. Interesting to hear we are full-up on players and having to pull offers from players we were strongly interested in earlier.
Hate to get overconfident but I think Ian Thomas is a hawk and I think the coaches know it hence why he cancelled his UNC trip.
Two running backs have committed (if you count Meier) since Shaw visited. Even without Meier, I kind of figured Iowa would take whoever would commit first between Hill and Shaw, and Hill certainly jumped at his chance. If Deandre Johnson stays Iowa will have quite a few RBs on scholarship next year.

I feel bad for the kid, but like in any relationship, it's better to be honest right away so he can move on rather than stringing him along as insurance and breaking his heart next year (cough) SEC (cough).
No oversigning, tough break for the kid but you don't have to wait til the last minute to decide. The coaching staff has numbers for each position and it must be filled for his position. It is recruiting, happens all the time.
Two running backs have committed (if you count Meier) since Shaw visited. Even without Meier, I kind of figured Iowa would take whoever would commit first between Hill and Shaw, and Hill certainly jumped at his chance. If Deandre Johnson stays Iowa will have quite a few RBs on scholarship next year.

I feel bad for the kid, but like in any relationship, it's better to be honest right away so he can move on rather than stringing him along as insurance and breaking his heart next year (cough) SEC (cough).


i don't follow here. i don't think he was strung along. had he committed earlier, he'd have been an iowa commit. maybe he strung iowa along?
No oversigning, tough break for the kid but you don't have to wait til the last minute to decide. The coaching staff has numbers for each position and it must be filled for his position. It is recruiting, happens all the time.

This is true. My only nitpick is that if we know that a scholarship offer to a kid is no longer a real offer, we should immediately contact that kid so that he has as much time as possible to find another home. That's the right thing to do. I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt to the coaching staff, it may have happened so fast that there wasn't time to pull the offer before the kid called to accept it.

i don't follow here. i don't think he was strung along. had he committed earlier, he'd have been an iowa commit. maybe he strung iowa along?

You mistook what I was saying. I approved of Iowa breaking ties with him once they knew they were out of space, rather than waiting to see who else commits.
No love lost, if you don't want to commit on the spot...it's always the risk you run. The coach needs to grow up.
Garmon, Hill, Meier (Possiabilty), Dawson (walk on), Malloy (Grey shirt)..... Plus White coming back for his senior season on scollie.

I liked Shaw, but when a 3 star recruit has an offer he wanted to commit to this late in the game than he should've committed earlier. We filled up at his spot, if his coach wants to act like a ****** about it than he should take a hard look around. We said we were taking 3-4 runningbacks, his position filled up. Than they acting like we still have room for him, sorry but scollies we have left open are for certain spots that we still need to fill.
Sour Grapes here. I call B.S. on this. I am sure KF let the guy know it is a tough business, if you want to commit go home, give me a call and commit, if not then it is up in the air as we are looking at other recruits just as you are looking at other schools. His coach needs to be a little more PC in this manner. It is alright to be disapointed, but on the other hand what does his coach have to say when he verbally commits and changes his mind on signing day. "Kids will be kids"? Whats good for the goose, right. It has been pointed out that KF honors scholly all the time for kids who never pan out, due to health issues and so on. I have not seen a story where KF pulled a non- contributors scholly to give it to a 5 year transfer, just to win. (See Wisco and the QB transfer to find out what I mean). KF frustrated the Sh## out of me at times, but I have never questioned his charachter. He does what most of us would like to think we would do in the same situations.
The coach should watch what he says. You don't burn bridges with a school that may want to recruit there in the future.
You almost wonder if the coach didn't advise him to wait and see what else might show up and then when the ship sailed he wants to place the blame on the Iowa staff. I have no clue what happened, but if the guy has sent many players to D-1 schools he probably knows that schools have signing limits and it's first come first served basis for those with offers.

I would have liked to have seen Iowa contact him and say we don't have anymore room, but they've been pretty busy these last few days. If the plan blows up at the end it's possible we might have considered an extra runningback.

I guess he thinks the Hawks should put out 25 offers and wait for all those guys to decide before anyone else is offered. Come signing day if we have a class of 4 we'd have done it right in this guys view.

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