Raridon leaving the state...

Similar situation at Lin-Mar in CR with its B-ball recruits. The Hawks cant seem to land the big recruits.

Very good point. I feel like the whole Uthoff thing makes people forget that he didn't choose Iowa out of HS. That decision and lack of commitment really stung at the time. He was Mr. Basketball. I also remember guys like David Barrent, and Darboh not choosing Iowa. Campos is another one that really hurts. Coming from Central Iowa, is playing in the SEC the kid's dream? Why else go to Mizzou? It's not as good of a school as Iowa and it's not as good of a party school either.

Two talent rich (prospect rich) areas of Iowa that the hawks haven't been dominant in.
Does any school in IA have as many kids on D1 (BCS and FCS) rosters as Valley? Dowling has 9 I think for this fall and I think Valley has at least that many. With that high of numbers, there are going to be guys that don't go to IA.
Interestingly enuff, if we had signed him and Wiscy was his only other offer, people would have pooh-poohed him because he was an instate kid. Really you can’t win in the recruiting games when it comes to the critics.
Iowa took Hardy first (from Appleton, WI), who had a Wisconsin offer. Hardy had a better offer list, and should get his first opportunity at playing time this fall. They seem like similar players, although Hardy has some inches on Raridon.