R. Pitino Postgame

It's easier to be gracious when you're team is kicking the *** of the other team. When the Gophers beat Iowa someday, I wonder if we'll be as kind to that young punk coach who rode his dad's coattails to a head coaching position at a major university. I'm just sayin.

It seems that Minnesota is a little gimmicky in trying to rebuild their program. Hiring Tubby Smith and now Pitino junior. Pitino seems like a good coach, but it will be interesting if he can replace the athletes Tubby Smith brought in when they graduate. The real results will be seen in a few years when he gets his own recruits. He might be gone somewhere else by then though. Can you imagine Minnesota without their quality guard court.
Petino is doing a good job for sure and I got nervous about Minny when I saw them smoke some team by hitting a million 3's. But let's be fair, here, Tubby Smith left the cupboards almost completely full. There is a lot of talent on that team. Petino is showing he nows how to motivate his players (many lost a ton of weight) to play his style. But I think his recruiting is still an unknown.
I personally think Pitano is the Goods and will become one of the better coaches.....

Really impressed with how cool and classy he is.....

He came across like that to me as well. He could of gone overboard when Ellison got that T and over some of the calls we got our way. But instead he stayed calm and just took the game as it went.

I also think he is a pretty dang good coach. I didn't think Minny would be even close to as good as they are this year.

I would also agree that Minny's coach is doing a great job. The game was much closer than the final score. I was particularly impressed at the amount of times they got the ball down low to their post players so that they could easily turn and put the ball in the basket for an easy two points. This is something Fran will have to work on with Hawk's defense.
I admit that I've never felt one way or another about his old man but I too was impressed with the way jr handled himself throughout the game and during post game interviews. I hope he has success and is able to build a reputation for himself as a coach and not just as the son of a HOF coach. If he can recruit and sticks around, Minnesota could turn into a problem for many teams in the B1G.
They started 4 juniors. They lose the overrated IMO Aaron Hollins. I think they also lose Smith...pretty sure he came to Minnesota with Pitino. They should have a solid team again next year.
They started 4 juniors. They lose the overrated IMO Aaron Hollins. I think they also lose Smith...pretty sure he came to Minnesota with Pitino. They should have a solid team again next year.

Why is everyone giving the Goofballs props? Lets move on, bigger fish to fry than this middle of the pack team.

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