Quoting posts through the iphone app

I just downloaded the app for my Android tablet, and while I like the content, it's clear this is a phone app instead of a tablet app. Only the left third of the page is used, in both landscape and portrait mode. I'm pretty sure there are ways to allow the content to scale up and down to the size of the device being used.

*edit* looks like the content spreads out to the unused part of the screen when drilling into the content. Much better than what it looked like at first.


Nice to see an android tablet user. Sadly, only part of the HN app is currently optimized for tablets because tablets represent a very tiny portion of overall usage and it has made more sense to date to dedicate resources to the phone side. We haven't forgotten tablets exist (I use my xoom daily) and we hope to enhance the tablet experience as time goes on. In the meantime, it should be perfectly usable on a tablet but only some parts of the app will take advantage of the extra real estate.

(One of the android app devs)

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