Quit crying!!!


Well-Known Member
I am "Notafans" wife and have been a Hawkeye fan my entire life. I am disappointed in todays loss just a much as the next person but alot of you (not all) are totally making all the NEGATIVE things about Hawk fans...true! We live in the good ole' USA and all have a right to our opinions so here is mine: We lost...and yes to Minnesota, which is a hard pill to swallow...but really to all of you who think you can do a better job (i.e.)Coaching, Running Back, Kicker, etc... Then please go and do it! If you say you can coach better than Ferentz...then why are you not getting paid what he gets paid....and have the Title of "COACH?" You say you can do a better job than our players....then please I would love to see you do it. Our Team needs alot of work...but thats what makes football fans...football fans. We are fans win or LOSE! I love our team, LOVE our Coach and love the positive fans! Go HAWKS!!!!
If I could get paid millions of dollars to coach the hawkeys man would I love to die trying.

Thats a dream... were we supposed to be like ... "uggggh your right .... wouldnt want any part of that..."

It's not an argument to say someone cant criticize something becuase they dont do it for a living...

dont criticize anyone on the face of the earth unless they have the exact same job as you?

A lot of people who never got into politics would make better leaders than our current Congress. Just because we didn't become football coaches doesn't mean we wouldn't have had the hands team out there at 21-16.
I am working on being a football coach, gonna minor in coaching stuff, nd yes I couldv done a better job (offensivly) against minnesota. Im 100% positive about that
Yawn...great post...I think I could have caught Coker when he broke away in the 3rd though.

I'm just saying he is really slow on the break away.
So we know less so we should keep out mouths shut huh? Let me guess, OP, you are a republican aren't you?

You sound like a mother that is to afraid to let their kid play sports because they might get hurt or want them to recieve a trophy for participating which is all BS! KF hasn't earned his contract at all and if you think going 6-6 is going to help recruiting then your crazy. If your happy being 6-6 or worse every year then be happy and support who you want to. I don't see anyone calling out any players and they shouldn't but when a grown man who is making millions to coach our Hawkeyes and he isn't doing his job the the best ability then I can vent. If your happy with 40,000 people at Kinnick on Saturday afternoons then so be it, you want to settle for average, BS, I'm not.
I am in... I could coach better than KF... hell I could stomp him in Madden. He is predictable and loses to teams with a 46 rating. You have got to be kidding me if you are saying he is a good coach based upon the fact he is making $4M??? For $4M you could do much better.
I am not trying to create a big argument. But when Ferentz wins...HE IS A GOD and everyone loves him! But when we lose...."FERENTZ NEEDS TO GO." Really? Ferentz is a great coach, and I think we are lucky to have him. We are not going to win every single game, and the team needs work, but we should rally behind our team to show them we support them not tear them apart. GO HAWKS!
dumb post....but whatever makes it okay with you.

I will never stop being a Hawk, but this is not okay this is not a loss that we can build off of.

This has happened multiple years meaning this is not the players.
I cant definatley say I never thought kirk ferentz was a god... thats for sure... I've always had the same opinion of him ... even in the 2002... he is conservative to the point that is almost a mental illness.
but really to all of you who think you can do a better job (i.e.)Coaching, Running Back, Kicker, etc... Then please go and do it!

Never thought an actor sucked in a movie? Never thought a book you read was written particularly well?

Well I think I can figure out the rest of BS spiel from there.

And yeah, I think pretty much anybody on this board would take nearly $4 million dollars to lose to the likes of Minnesota.
Ferentz has been under the microscope before.

He needs to take a look at his staff because this was a disgusting loss. If you are fine with losing to one of the worst Gopher teams since the early 80's then that's your problem.

There was a total lack of effort on many levels today. All the way from the top to the bottom.

When your coach makes what he makes, he is entitled to get ripped when warranted and this is 110% warranted.
Go make me a turkey pot pie.
LOL! Nice comment...You are probably a balding, middle aged, over weight man portraying to be a Hawkeye fan as you sit on your couch eating KFC....and single no less...its 2011...***** please cook your own Turkey Pot pie.
The past two seasons have made me question how good of coach he is. His brand of football is boring, predictable, and full of losing.

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