Quiet Sense Of Confidence


Well-Known Member
Was it just me or did Gary Barta seem awfully confident and relaxed for someone who just fired a coach he hired 3 years ago? I get the feeling he's got a pretty good idea who the next coach is going to be. I sure hope that's the case!
He seemed exactly the same to me as he seemed the last time he had such a press conference. And we know that as of that date, he not only didn't know who he was going to hire, but it didn't turn out so well in the end.

I'm sure he has ideas, but he's going through "the process" again, so it could be a while.
He was definitely at peace with his decision. The smiles and laughs at the beginning of the conference where a dead give away. I hope he has an ACE up his sleeve.
I was fine with Barta's comments and demeanor and thought he handled himself well. But apparently the recruits, even the freshmen class, were turned off by it. I realize they're seeing this from a very different perspective.
he seemed very light hearted to me. For someone who said how much of a character guy Lick is(and I believe thats true)Barta didnt seem real upset with firing the guy. Im sure his demeanor didnt play well with players or recruits who like/respect Lick.
Was it just me or did Gary Barta seem awfully confident and relaxed for someone who just fired a coach he hired 3 years ago? I get the feeling he's got a pretty good idea who the next coach is going to be. I sure hope that's the case!

I think that's wishful thinking on your part.
It's interesting though that in the course of one day, the hot seat shifts from Lickliter to Barta. I hope he has an ace up his sleeve. If not, I suspect we'll hear about his termination next.
It's interesting though that in the course of one day, the hot seat shifts from Lickliter to Barta. I hope he has an ace up his sleeve. If not, I suspect we'll hear about his termination next.

Yeah, I don't think Barta can afford to whiff on a 2nd straight basketball hire. That said, the "confidence" he may have shown probably just comes from being a good public speaker. I guess I wouldn't expect the guy to look like a nervous wreck up there. Hopefully he pulls of a good hire this time. It sure couldn't go a whole lot worse than it did last time. I'm glad to hear that money won't be an issue this time though, so hopefully that means we have lots of options.
He will make a good hire, he knows the heat is on him now. Confidence for a guy like Barta comes natural. He is a great public speaker and I am sure this is somewhat of a monkey off his back. He now has to go forth with a blank check and make a statement like Minnesota did and hire a big fish. I for one think it will be a big hire and will probably be a name no one thinks of. Pearl is a pipe dream...
Was it just me or did Gary Barta seem awfully confident and relaxed for someone who just fired a coach he hired 3 years ago? I get the feeling he's got a pretty good idea who the next coach is going to be. I sure hope that's the case!

This was my impression as well. And he SHOULD have a pretty good idea.
I'd like to be able to take bets on the notion that Barta already has a coach lined up. It's a no-lose proposition for me. if he does have someone lined up, it would have to be someone good (you'd think). If he doesn't, I take your money.

He doesn't.
Was it just me or did Gary Barta seem awfully confident and relaxed for someone who just fired a coach he hired 3 years ago? I get the feeling he's got a pretty good idea who the next coach is going to be. I sure hope that's the case!

Even though Barta has spent most of the winter months backing his former coach, I think as the tide turned Barta had to begin to take a serious look at who would be available if the decision was made to go in a different direction.

While I don't think Barta already has a "coach in his pocket" per se, I do think he has a strong idea of who is available and at what cost. Even though the Lick experiment did not work, Barta still knows he needs a plan in place if the decision came to hire a new coach ... Meaning, you can't make a decision like this because of the heat of the moment without giving serious, serious considersation to what the coaching landscape looks like.

I have faith that Barta will make the right hire this time. I know he thinks he made the right hire last time but I think everyone learned a little something--even Barta ... I think he will indeed seek a more personable coach. One who will generate excitement, not only on the court but off it as well ... Lick was just not a people person. I have met him on a couple of occasions at Polk County I-Club events and he just never really connected with the fans.

Now, I know some people like to say Ferentz is not much differnt but I could not disagree more. Ferentz is soft-spoken and polite but he thrives in the public setting and is very good about being a natural speaker, either in a group setting or a one-on-one setting. Lick was just never comfortable in either. And I know many will say "who cares, as long as he wins." ... In this case, Lick's lack of connecting with the fans definitely did not help his cause. I don't think fans felt like they really knew him. Like he wasn't really "their coach." ... He was just a guy occupying our sidelines ...

Barta is a smart man. He is ... He will take what he learned and he will find a good fit, someone who is up and coming; someone who will generate that excitement and someone who can connect with the fans. Who that coach is I have no clue. But, when it is all said and done, I am guessing fans will be pretty happy with the change ... And the bottom line is this: The Lick experiment was not working. A change was needed. Even though bumps will still exist, Iowa could not afford to just sit on the sideline and watch the demise of the basketball program to continue ... The next couple of weeks will be filled with lots of speculation, for sure ... I hate to see someone loose his job, but I have to admit this is the most excitement/energy I have had about Iowa basketball in three years ...

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