Question for you Hawk fans that work with Cyclone fans

And the ones calling him fat, you know they themselves are overweight lazy bastards and haven't touched a weight or done cardio in ages.

We mustn’t cast stones from our glass houses. Our young athletes are a resilient bunch and can work through the noise and reach our goal of a national championship. I do not watch the crowd during the games but I am sure, we, as every other fan base does, have sloth-like, obese fans as well. -kf
The last one I heard is Purdy was a lock to march down the field to get at least a winning FG. How he knows this beyond me.
The last one I heard is Purdy was a lock to march down the field to get at least a winning FG. How he knows this beyond me.

Considering Purdy couldn’t get any points the possession before, I’d say there was about a 5% chance ISU wins that game if the don’t botch that punt.
How was it this morning going to work with them? I bet they were full of excuses! Any good stories? do share.
The Cyclone that sits next to me was wearing a Hawkeye hat when I got to work this morning. I said "looks like you lost a bet" and he said "Nope. It's time I had better get with the program". We are both researchers at Iowa.

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