Question for you Hawk fans that work with Cyclone fans

aquainence of mine had quite a variety of excuses.

delays took away their momentum
must have been 7 holding calls not called.on Iowa.
Stanley is fat and terrible QB. He's just lucky
Purdy didn't fumble. Bad call.
I could go on but what's the use?
aquainence of mine had quite a variety of excuses.

delays took away their momentum
must have been 7 holding calls not called.on Iowa.
Stanley is fat and terrible QB. He's just lucky
Purdy didn't fumble. Bad call.
I could go on but what's the use?

Yes yes yes! That's what losers do is make excuses and those clowns are the king of excuse making!

Clowns have been saying this for a couple of years. Every time he threw a completion they always say he was lucky and he 's never completed a pass like that. I think it's called being jealous. Stanley is now 3-0 against those clowns and Pretty Purdy ( who is the Heisman winner ) is a loser! Hey clowns you need to get a Fat QB!
Clowns have been saying this for a couple of years. Every time he threw a completion they always say he was lucky and he 's never completed a pass like that. I think it's called being jealous. Stanley is now 3-0 against those clowns and Pretty Purdy ( who is the Heisman winner ) is a loser! Hey clowns you need to get a Fat QB!

He is no Adonis but lets be clear he is also no Jared Lorenzen or even big Ben. I said in another post. I think he has on so many layers of pads he looks bulky and moves a little robotic but he is not fat. When you don't have alot to go on that is the type of excuses little brother tends to throw out.
Excuse #1 The holding: That was not holding on that 4th&13 play. What a BS call!
Excuse #2 The lack of holding: Iowa got away with holding all day long. That was BS!!!
But in the end, they admitted that the final play was the most Cyclone way to end a game ever. :p:D
My CIO got caught in the hailstorm as they were leaving the stadium. They ended up getting to their car and driving home to Coralville just in time to watch the last half of the 4th quarter. I just smiled the entire time she was telling me the story.
I’ve been hearing how overrated AJ is. Only 1 tackle and got owned all night.
I’m guessing the game plan was to keep Purdue in the pocket and not over pursue in the edges. We’ve seen this countless times when Iowa plays mobile QBs. I can’t say for sure though.

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