Put the stoops rumors to rest

Footballsoop.com has been around for a long time and is usually spot on on rumors. They get a lot of inside info from people at the schools.

Not disagreeing or agreeing with your opinion, as this is the first time I have ever gone to their site, but I do find it interesting that if you scroll down the page a little it shows that Mike Stoops was offered the HC position at another school. So are they saying that he's turning down the opportunity to be a HC at a university in Florida to be a DC at The O$U? Interesting indeed.
Seems to me that a good candidate for the Iowa DC position then would be Luke Fickell. Knows the Big Ten, knows Ohio HS football coaches (recruiting), would add a little extra motivation when Iowa plays Ohio State (at least would offset the Stoop factor) and is apparently soon going to be out of a job.
Fickle will probably be 1st in line to be the DC at OSU, wouldn't mind if he came to Iowa though, as Tressel and KF were similar in coaching styles and under KF he would fit in better, nothing flashy just hard nosed defense
plus he would come in with a chip on his shoulder, and maybe if Kaz gets let go we might get their D-line coach
Just reinforces the fact that Ferentz will never beat OSU...between how OSU has owned Iowa since the two have been playing in the B1G and a new dynamic coach with a dynamic defensive coach and Ferentz's play not to lose attitude, OSU is about to enter an entire new era of kicking Iowa around.

The best Ferentz can hope for is that OSU is just not on our schedule. Just another nail in Iowa's coffin as a player in the B1G.