Pryor Looks like a QB

Regardless if he went through his progression or not- he had the time to go through his progression and felt comfortable doing so with the protection he was getting up front. Going through his progression "quite a few" times is a bit of a stretch, but a few times, yea he sure did. I'm still not sold he's ready to sit in if he's been getting knocked down by the D.

Also, as some have mentioned, lot of his passes though were first option, high percentage routes. If he has the time to sit back and make the play, and developing the patience to take and make those high percentage plays... that could really pose problems for any D.
I don't know which ESPN games you're watching... but Pam Ward and Matt Millen aren't exactly the cream of the crop. I'll agree- the BTN needs work, and the ESPN featured game crew is better though.
ESPN has their faults too, Pam Ward being one of them but their production quality is night and day better than BTN. The camera work on BTN is terrible. Sometimes you get the yellow first down line, sometimes you don't. Last night the announcer mic volume was bouncing, the one guys was way louder than the others. Just a mess of a telecast.
ESPN has their faults too, Pam Ward being one of them but their production quality is night and day better than BTN. The camera work on BTN is terrible. Sometimes you get the yellow first down line, sometimes you don't. Last night the announcer mic volume was bouncing, the one guys was way louder than the others. Just a mess of a telecast.

Agree on the production end. I've had the pleasure of knowing a couple camera guys that have worked for ESPN and even they complain about the "talent".

Funny you bring up the first down line- I've noticed that consistently as well, and sometimes it's in the wrong place (6 yards when it's 1st and 10)
Agree on the production end. I've had the pleasure of knowing a couple camera guys that have worked for ESPN and even they complain about the "talent".

Funny you bring up the first down line- I've noticed that consistently as well, and sometimes it's in the wrong place (6 yards when it's 1st and 10)

Yeah I just don't get it, either have the 1st down line or don't, and for God sakes if it is there have it in the right spot.....
He certainly looked good as did the receivers, o-line and entire defense. Will see how things play out, but I don't see Iowa being able to beat this team.

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