Pryor Looks like a QB

How much of that is Marshall making him look better? Just curious I am not watching that game. Or has he really improved?
I did see one throw early in the game where he air mailed the back on a swing pass. So reckon will find out ALOT more when they play the U.
I'll just say this. Marshall sucks, and his O line is giving him ALL day to throw. And when he does get pressure generated on him, hes the same ol Pryor throwing illllll advised passes.
Have to agree to disagree.

I'm not really seeing anything "light years" ahead of where he was last year. About the same IMO.

He doesn't look to his 2nd or 3rd options ever. And he's still the same....1/4-look to the left, 1/4-look to the right, tuck and run.

I just don't see him taking over several games and winning them.
Let's be honest, Marshall's DB's were terrible. OSU's WR's were constantly getting behind them. I turned the channel (to watch the ISU game cuz Arnaud started looking like himself again) but when I was watching Pryor only completed one of several deep passes when he had a WR wide open. I still agree with you CAARHawk. He looks like a more complete QB. I was more impressed with him when he checked down and threw underneath. However, he still made the mistake of tossing up a couple ducks that easily could have been picked off.

Miami will give the nation a better idea of where he's at with his progression. OSU was simply better than Marshall at every single position.
I'd love to know how many passes he completed over 10 yards. I watched when I could, and to his credit hit some short passes, but all the deep balls were off. And yes, the OL was giving him ALL day.

Light years? Hmm...
He definitely doesn't look as good as he did in the Rose Bowl last year. Still see a qb who is a great athlete and an average passer. He's had all day to pass and still made some terrible throws including the one mentioned earlier that he airmailed the back on the swing pass. Also skipped it to a wide open receiver going over the middle.

He's a great athlete and is going to make some very good plays. But he's still going to make his share of bad ones too.
Hard to judge now, wait until after Miami to see if he can repeat the same numbers against some speed. I would guess he will come into Kinnick with some confidence and hopefully will be trying to figure out why his ears are ringing from the hit and 70,000+ Iowa fans watching a pick six go our way!
The key with Pryor is to goad him into making stupid plays. Because he'll make 'em. Marshall didn't have near the athletic ability on D to pressure him into stupidity.
Only talking about his form. Didn't watch enough to judge his decision making and other intangibles. Just always looked like an athlete playing QB before, even when he had time. Looked more like a QB to me today.

But those of you who watched more I am sure have a much better idea of his entire game.
Tough to tell if Pryor is better or not. I think he looked better because he had all day to throw the ball and recievers, O'line that outmanned Marshall.

They looked like a solid OSU team with some minor first game glitches.
BTN announcers said, post-game, TP had, on average, 3.5 - 4.0 seconds to throw on almost every throw.

They then said he'll have about 50% of that when OSU meets Miami and other quality opponents.

Bottom line...they were not convinced TP has arrived.
A former D1 coach told me this off season that he watched the replay of the Rose Bowl and felt that Prior was just OK...that Oregon's defense wasn't that good.

That being said, his form did look better on Thursday. On the BTN post game, as someone pointed out, Gerry Dinardo said that he had between 3 and 3.5 seconds to throw...that isn't going to happen again this year more than likely
Pryor looked good, not great. He was hitting guys in stride which is an improvement. Not sure what SDK was watching but he went through his progressions quite a few times and threw to guys that obviously weren't the first look. He hardly scrambled at all, I'd actually like to see him run more. That said if he doesn't turn the ball over and has a completeion % around 60+ OSU will go undefeated.
Oh and the BTN announcers are absolutely terrible and the telecasts are still childs play compared to ESPN. The BTN has to get better at broadcasting games, it's embarrassing.
Oh and the BTN announcers are absolutely terrible and the telecasts are still childs play compared to ESPN. The BTN has to get better at broadcasting games, it's embarrassing.

I don't know which ESPN games you're watching... but Pam Ward and Matt Millen aren't exactly the cream of the crop. I'll agree- the BTN needs work, and the ESPN featured game crew is better though.