pryor is a punk


Well-Known Member
I doubt he'll be a successful pro qb...yelling at his coaches, etc. glad he plays for osu and not us
Oh yeah Big time Punk. All he did was lead his team to victory. Someone needs to stand up to our coaches. Maybe they will wake up.
I would be frustrated too if my receivers kept dropping beautifully thrown balls and committing silly penalties.
Oh yeah Big time Punk. All he did was lead his team to victory. Someone needs to stand up to our coaches. Maybe they will wake up.

In the game thread, I posted "stfu pryor" but now that I think about it, the kid was showing all kinds of emotion and fire and he wanted to win.
Meanwhile, on our sideline.....?
Remember when Drew Tate was mocked and derided for showing 'fire' towards KOK and KF?
Man, I miss that guy. :(
takes one to know one...I know....he is a stud athlete, have to admit.....[ame=]YouTube - Enrique Iglesias - I Like It[/ame]
maybe he should just coach the team and do away with the coaches, coach lebron, coach terrelle, coach chad johnson, coach t. owens
Someone needs to stand up to our coaches.

The last two times guys stood up to our coaches, we saw the team fall apart (2006 - Tate) and we saw Ricky benched for an ineffective Christensen (2008 Pitt game - Stanzi when he wanted to try to score before halftime but Kenny went into the prevent offense).
That is why OSU wins B10 championships and every blue moon a NC and Iowa is just fortunate to get a BCS bowl game twice a decade.

Our players start to play with passion and coaches start to coach with imagination and they get censored. OSU believes in this and they win consistantly.
That is why OSU wins B10 championships and every blue moon a NC and Iowa is just fortunate to get a BCS bowl game twice a decade.

Our players start to play with passion and coaches start to coach with imagination and they get censored. OSU believes in this and they win consistantly.

You're joking right?

Tressel has been criticized for being too conservative for most of his tenure.

They consistently compete for NC's because they have elite talent and good coaching.

Are you really arguing that Iowa is just an obnoxious uncoach-able player away from a NC?
He looked pretty gracious toward the Iowa players after the game. He made some great plays yesterday to win the game for his team.

I did find it a bit funny when he announced a few weeks ago that he was returning for his SR year. I doubt he had much of a choice unless he is willing to move to WR/TE.
All the suspension and other crap aside, I thought Pryor overall played well and kept Ohio State in that game with his running ability and clock management. Tough kid. Even when his foot was injured near the end of the game and he was limping badly, he insisted on having his foot and ankle taped up so he could finish the game. He gained a little more respect from me.

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