Proof the West division is better than the East

In the new century Ped State IIRC has 7 seasons where they have 6 losses or more. Iowa has fewer than that. The old guard that you luv is only doing well because of cheating. Sorry, you're not a great power if you need to cheat to win. I think in your mind whichever division has cheating Ohio State is automatically the better division and that is too parochial a view.

Numbers don't lie, but emotions do.

Numbers don't lie. But the misinterpretation of them can...and often does.
Again, perception; Wisconsin won 2 of 3 Championships in the Legends/Leaders game. It was a factor in how the conference was reconfigured. Michigan and Penn State have not been relevant for 10 years.

Michigan has been to 7 bowl games in the last 10 years, had 3 10+ win seasons and finished ranked #12 in the country twice

In the same time, Penn St had 2 11-win seasons, 8 bowl games and finished the season in the Top 10 twice.

Your definition of "relevant" must leave out about 90% of the teams in college football...including Iowa.
The problem is the East has had the better top team/teams, and that is always how tough a conference is viewed. Like last year having the #4 (OSU) #6 (MSU) & #12 (Michigan) >> #8 (Iowa) #21 (Wisconsin) & #23 (Northwestern)

I don't look at it that way. Where is it written that 3 teams make up a division? Sorry, but the B1G has 7 team divisions. Ignoring the totality seems like a biased judgement rather than an objective one. I can agree that cheating O$U is the best. But that has more to do with Meyer than anything else. The previous coach had to cheat to maintain excellence. Michigan; MSU and the rest can all be beaten on any given Saturday. I think Minny looked pretty good against the Wolverines last year.
So much for the East is much better than the West in the BIG

Iowa wins at Purdue
Nebraska wins at Indiana
Northwestern wins at MSU
Minnesota wins at Maryland
Illinois wins at Rutgers

Wisconsin game with OSU not settled until OT

I'm only bumping this because blubber has finally proven me correct with his thread and I'm so insecure I need the world to know that I didn't go full retard with this thread . . .

. . . only partly retard per usual.
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Surprised me. I assumed you were bumping this to add some obscure, loosely-related gif !

Normally I would. But blubber provided some much needed stats to make my case. And while there are over a billion starving people in the world, I would rather spend valuable time on this. I have well thought-out priorities.
Normally I would. But blubber provided some much needed stats to make my case. And while there are over a billion starving people in the world, I would rather spend valuable time on this. I have well thought-out priorities.

Well thought-out priorities is a given / redundant on a football fansite.

But, a billion starving people? Where does a number like that come from? Normally I would assume phone survey, but could they afford a phone if they can't afford food? That's why I don't trust stats.
Since the East/West split it looks pretty even in head to head games. Those numbers are pretty clear.

I will say that going forward I have hope that Iowa can compete for the West Division fairly regularly and would not be shocked to see them win it ever because there are no elite blue blood programs in their division. Iowa can realistically compete with the Wisconsin/Nebraskas of the world and should compete with them.

Now if they were in the East, I wouldn't have that same hope. Iowa cannot realistically compete with Ohio St or Michigan on or off the field unless the programs make poor hires like Michigan has done recently. Will be interesting to see if the Hawkeyes can stay on the field with Harbaugh's Wolverines.


West total wins = 44

East total wins = 44

Crossover totals.

WEST - 11 wins ---------- 5 teams with a winning record against division rivals

Wisconsin - 1-2

NW 2-1

Iowa 2-1

Nebraska 2-1

MINN 2-1

Purdont 0-2

Illini 2-1

EAST - 9 wins ---------- 3 teams with a winning record against division rivals

Ohio State 3-0

Michigan 2-1

Rutgers 0-3

Penn State 3-0

Indiana 0-2



Purdue and Indiana play this weekend and that could change the complexion. But the overall signature is that the West is better than the EAST!!!!

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The west being 11 - 9 against the east is very impressive when you consider that the east gets five home games vs four home games for the west. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong but, I believe the deal is that all teams in a division have the same number of home vs away games in a year in this new format.
It just depends on how you define strength in a Division. The east is clearly way better at the top with 3 teams in the to 10. The West is just deeper with Wisconsin, Nebby, Iowa, jNW, and Minnesota all better than bottom 4 teams in the East.
There is more parity in the West division while the East is top heavy, always have and probably always will be with the current alignment. IMO there is not a better way to align the divisions as they shouldn't split Michigan and Ohio State.
I agree the division's top to bottom are aligned the right way,the perception from people outside has always been Ohio St and Mich. are superior and we all know that's incorrect.When Penn St. and Neb. entered the BIG there fans thought winning would be easy,
and Championships would be there's.
Guys I think Josh Brown may be a super-genius. I'll state my case.

1) Talks about himself in the third person. A clear sign of demigod status.

2) Literally willed Iowa to a first-ever season with a pair of 1,000 yard rushers.

3) Predicted the west would be better than the east.

maryland loss
michigan loss
ohio state loss
indiana loss
penn state loss

minnesota win
northwestern win

nebraska loss
wisconsin win
Iowa loss

The evidence clearly points to the west being better.

4) His Newport Beach mansion; California 9 (Iowa 10) wife and Jaguar F-Type clearly indicate his awesomeness factor.

Now you have to ask yourself, how can you, fulfill your dream of hanging out with me? Maybe some sort of raffle on Hawkeyenation?
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