Pretty good take on last night's debacle

Thats about as **** poor of defense Ive ever seen. Everyone standing straight up with their backs to the shooters. Absolutely pathetic. It would be different if this just happened once, but its everytime down the floor. On top of it, look who they have quadruple teamed and look who theyre leaving open. Pathetic.
And I can understand Gatens down there, his man is on the baseline.
If the ball was entered into the post from the wing, I can see why the both bigs collapsed.

But there is zero reason for May and Marble dropping down like that. Really bad considering they both have their backs turned.
Unfortunately one could fill a zip drive of pictures that could be labeled "good take on last night's debacle", as there was debacle-o-plenty to go around. Safe to say we are not the best transition team in the conference as touted by some on BTN. We could be the worst transition defense team in conference though. I have to give MSU the nod over OSU in the slam dunk contest category bassed on the number of lob dunks last night.
The real problem was that even when we had the full team collapse into the lane, we could not stop their bigs.
"It's true: Michigan State was playing very physical with Iowa, and the refs were allowing it. Many of the steals that Michigan State got, especially early in the game, came off of minor collisions that could have been called fouls. And the Spartans never passed up the opportunity to put a hand on an Iowa player as he cut or reach across his wrist as he dribbled. Iowa has gotten used to getting fouls called in those situations, and is unable to play through that kind of contact when the foul didn't come. Turnovers led to fast breaks and fast breaks led to layups and dunks. That was certainly part of the game."

"On the other hand, the fact that home teams are allowed to get extra handsy in the Big 10 should be a surprise to exactly no one on Iowa. It's an unfortunate fact of life, and it's not going to change. And against Michigan State, it was as if the Hawks collectively decided: "this game is rigged, what's the point in trying?" Their frustration on offense led to passivity on defense."

Been mentioned in other threads but this is what led to the Fran episode and why he was so frustrated. I watched the Indiana/MSU game at MSU and it was called very much the same way but it was a close game. Indiana was able to match the defensive intensity and play through the contact unlike us and like he says that isn't going to change in coming games. And I AM NOT comparing us to Indiana but this game didn't need to get out of hand like it did.
I noticed that, not all 5 guys, but i would see 2 guys collapsing and leaving 2 shooters wide open.
It's a mystery why this team plays with so little fire. Maybe they deferred to Cole in the past to take care of business, but nobody seems to be willing to commit a hard foul or set a pick hard enough to send a message to the guys grabbing jerseys, etc. I am not advocating cheap and dirty tactics, but other than White giving Green a forearm shove, the team just got punked from start to finish. The only way you can manage Breslin and the way MSU plays is to match their intensity and force the refs to start calling it close, or play hands on D like MSU.
Everyone tryin to do too much. The D will get better. These guys are young. They will learn from these last two and come out with more emotion against Mich.

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