Presser: Worst Iowa bball in 35 years


Well-Known Member
I'd like to know which media guy made this comment to Lick in the post game presser today - "this is the worst Iowa basketball I’ve seen in probably 35 years as..."
If you listen to the audio, the tone of the question was pretty aggressive, even accusatory. I would characterize it as unprofessional, honestly.

The guy had just asked a longer question to which Lickliter responded "I guess I don't follow your question...", which appeared to **** off the questioner, who then spit out the "worst Iowa bball..." line.
If you listen to the audio, the tone of the question was pretty aggressive, even accusatory. I would characterize it as unprofessional, honestly.

The guy had just asked a longer question to which Lickliter responded "I guess I don't follow your question...", which appeared to **** off the questioner, who then spit out the "worst Iowa bball..." line.

ahhhh...a grown man having to answer an aggressive, accusatory question related to his job? Geez I really hope that reporter gets a talking to.
I'd like to know which media guy made this comment to Lick in the post game presser today - "this is the worst Iowa basketball I’ve seen in probably 35 years as..."
I was wondering the same thing.

If it was an Indiana journalist . . . ? ROFLLLLL!

How funny would it be for an Iowa journalist going to ask Crean that?
Here was/were the question(s) - and I, too, thought it was an Iowa media person who asked it (I didn't hear the question, just read the presser). After I read it I asked some people who it was and the info that I got was it was a local radio guy... which doesn't make much sense. Only thing I can think of is it might have been a reporter that had been a media guy with Lickliter when he was at Butler. I'm assuming they have a past from Lick's Butler days.

Anyway, here's the quote.
QUESTION: Coach, three seasons ago, take me through this: If I had sat there and told you that by this point almost the entire team would have transferred out, most of them would have been guys that could start and Iowa basketball would be in the state it's in now, would you have said I'm crazy or would you have said that's part of the plan to begin with in the sense that you have freshmen coming in that are your guys?

LICKLITER: I'm not sure I follow the question.

QUESTION: The question is, this is the worst Iowa basketball I've seen in probably 35 years as far as the amount of wins. What I'm asking you is because of the style of play that you had at Butler, you knew you'd have to come in and shape this over the course of time. Has that went like you thought it would or is this beyond what you thought it would be as far as a bad season?

Rob has more here: BTT Transcript: Lickliter, Cole, Payne
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Thats what he gets for acting like he didn't understand the first question. I think they reporter asked the question in the most respectful way ppossible the first time.

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