Presidential debate

Biden is undeniable proof that the president doesn't run the country. Trump is either so corrupt that all the people who do run our country think he takes it too far, so they refuse to let him in. Or he refuses to be corrupted, so all those people refuse to let him in.

There really isn't a middle ground. Which is why most people love him or hate him, depending on which side they believe.
The nominating process for each party is clearly broken. I long for the days of the smoke filled rooms, but that had its flaws too.

I seriously think a reality type show for each party would work better. Start with 10 candidates and each week vote 1 candidate off. OK that would be awful too, but there has got to be a better way.
What I got out of the whole thing is that our political parties are beyond pathetic and there's a reason other countries laugh at us. Neither of them seem fit to run a household let alone be the face of a country. I'd love to take a mulligan and see two new candidates arise from the shitshow that unfolded last night.
I didn’t watch but 15 min of the debate however in those 15 min I heard biden bring up the whole debunked notion trump called neo-Nazis “good people”. This is the same debunked story biden used as one of the reasons he was running back in 2020. Anyway because this story has been debunked I’m sure biden was told a bunch of times during his debate prep to not bring it up during the debate. Yet the guy must’ve forgot he was not supposed to bring it up. Did anyone else catch the look on biden’s face the moment after he got done mentioning it and once trump rebutted that the story has been debunked many times. The look on biden’s face was priceless. He had that look of “oh shit oh shit they told me not to bring that up.” It was hilarious and the only entertaining 2 min of the 15 min I watched.
The claim that Trump’s comment that Neo-Nazi’s were good people was debunked is a lie. You better listen more closely to fact checks. Quote: “people on both sides were good people.” Fact.
Why would you listen to fact checks or Trump? You can just listen to the unedited video to hear exactly what he said. How have you never seen it before?
I didn’t watch but 15 min of the debate however in those 15 min I heard biden bring up the whole debunked notion trump called neo-Nazis “good people”. This is the same debunked story biden used as one of the reasons he was running back in 2020. Anyway because this story has been debunked I’m sure biden was told a bunch of times during his debate prep to not bring it up during the debate. Yet the guy must’ve forgot he was not supposed to bring it up. Did anyone else catch the look on biden’s face the moment after he got done mentioning it and once trump rebutted that the story has been debunked many times. The look on biden’s face was priceless. He had that look of “oh shit oh shit they told me not to bring that up.” It was hilarious and the only entertaining 2 min of the 15 min I watched.
I had the exact same thought. There was a lot of forehead slapping when he brought that up.
The parties owe us better than this. I hope both parties get replaced with someone who puts our country first instead of putting their own power first. So sad.
The parties owe us better than this. I hope both parties get replaced with someone who puts our country first instead of putting their own power first. So sad.
It's the parties who are directly responsible for not allowing people who put our country first to make it past the primaries. They don't even give us a chance to vote in someone who isn't bought and paid for. If someone ever slipped through the cracks they would probably arrest them or something crazy like that.
This. Insert face plant emoji
How do people have such a strong opinion on something they have no knowledge of? It's like if I was sitting courtside at Carver and I got into an argument with the old lady next to me over the proper way to nit a sweater.
I deleted my posts. Happy to do so. Dumb ass move by me to comment on this, hopefully brief, thread.

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