Predictions for the AZ game

I think it's going to be a low scoring affair. I think Iowa is going to try to do what it did to ISU which was to deflate them early with long painfull drives putting pressure on their offense to do something vs our Defense.

I think Iowa will be successfull doing just that. I'll go Iowa 23 Az 14 with a 14-0 halftime score.
35-13 Hawks.

"Stoops decides to try to mess up Iowa along with the heat and game time by winning the toss and taking the ball. First play Foles throws a 7-out which Prater jumps for a pick-6."

I can dream, can't I?
Prediction for the game: Pain
[ame=]YouTube - Prediction - Pain.wmv[/ame]
Arizona does not score in the first half. Arizona throws two interceptions. Iowa wins 28-7 with zona scoring on junk minutes.
Me and my friend Mr. Dylan make this prediction.....

They'll be selling postcards of the hanging
They'll be painting the passports brown
Captain Kirk is Josey Wales
And the Bluecoats are going down
Here come the two Nicks in blue tunics
Appearing in a ghostly "red out" trance
One is looking like a tight rope walker
The other does a Klugged up dance.
And the Hawkeye D, they're restless
They need somewhere to go
They'll all be meeting tonight in the backfield
Down on Desolation Row.

Show up tonight and bring the best you've got...
Hawkeyes van a ganar esta noche! and Arizona, NOT!