Predict W and L

9-3 with losses @Arizona, @Michigan, and home against OSU.

I think this may be my pick. Early road games have always seemed to be a thorn in our side the past several years, but who knows. Any game against OSU is going to be a pain. @Michigan worries me as well. It was a close call last year and this time it's on the road, but I guess it depends on how much Michigan improves from last year. If they still stink, then I think we win there.

Wisconsin is never a cakewalk, but we seem to have their number, so I like us in that one since it's in Kinnick.

Although I know we won't win EVERY game against PSU, how can I pick us to lose against them? It'll be a tough game, I have no doubt.

I think we'll have @NW circled on our schedule this year, so I think we win. At least if the team and coaches are as sick of losing to NW as I am.
I've seen two posts so far with losses to Penn State, and I can't for the life figure out why anyone would think Iowa is going to lose to that team.


I think predicting a W against NW is about the same as predicting an L against PSU. When you look at the last few years, it could be argued that neither make much sense (I know Stanzi got hurt last year).
I've seen two posts so far with losses to Penn State, and I can't for the life figure out why anyone would think Iowa is going to lose to that team.


+1, but I'm even more surprised by all the Michigan love. Did RichRod get fired and I didn't hear about it?
The thing w/ UM is that you are (at least I am) fairly certain they have some serious talent, but you don't know if DickRod has them ready to be successful - both offensively and defensively. The other issue is that they played us very close last year, and we traditionally have had some issues w/ spread teams - not as much in the last 2 yrs, but 3-5 years ago people were calling for Norm's head b/c we occasionally struggled some against spread teams.
The thing that I have a hard time overcoming w/ UM is that I fear them (in terms of losing), but I don't respect them anymore. I think that's a direct reflection of DickRod, but something I find interesting nonetheless. Not sure anyone else feels that way, but for some reason I don't hold them in nearly the esteem I did just a few short years ago. It's shocking a coaching change (and his coaching methods) could alter my perception of a program so much.
11-1 with our only loss at Arizona. It's early in the season and I'm spending a lot of money to go see it, so it's the perfect recipe for disaster. :) We win the Rose Bowl vs. Oregon and rumors abound that KF's leaving for the NFL.

Stay at home
The nice thing about perdictions is they are just fun speculation. I wish we knew how the o line will do this year. If they get good early, a BCS bowl is in the works, if they struggle it puts the defense in a tough position. I would say that with our defense we will be in every game and I think our leaders will deliver for us. Go Hawks!

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