Prater, whatever you do...

Speilman made a comment,but did not go overboard. His opinion. No big deal.
Last week fans complained about Iowa not showing emotion on the sideline and on the field...this week they will complain because Prater is trying to light a fire under the crowd. This kid is playing his last game in Kinnick this week,after 4 years of stellar play...think this loyal fanbase might cut him some slack? Hope so.
Hawks will need full crazed crowd in Kinnick to beat physical MSU.
I always think about how Dom Alvis tears his ACL,is dragged off the field,staring down major surgery,hundreds of hours of rehab,and probably pain, all to fight to get back on the field to perform for these ''loyal'' Hawk fans...who will rip him to shreds if he makes the wrong gesture on the field or misses a tackle.
Prater blew up like a balloon in the hospital last spring with the Rybadosis syndrome. He fought back,and playing hard...but hey,don't gesture the wrong way or this ''loyal'' fanbase will hammer him. Sad.
I don't give a **** about dumb-*** meat head commentary. It's football who gives a **** if players gesture or dance or whatever.

Speilman was a head shotting ******* so I really don't want to hear what he things is classy.
This is part of a new strategy coming from the top of the coaching regime. The head coach and defensive coordinator want us to change our attitude and become more like the Miami of the Midwest. That means ear gestures, dirty dancing, sack dancing, fist pumps, Tebowing after getting Denard Robinson down, tomahawk chops, choke gestures, yo mama jokes.....
Spielman hardly went nuts. He said don't do that. If they want to cheer you, they'll cheer you. Just play the game.

And of course, he's exactly right.

So why didn't he call out all of the other players that cheered after they made a play?

I think people ***** about Prater and everything he does... just because he is Prater, but if someone else does it then it is ok. Prater was playing with emotion and I would rather see that than the statues I saw at the MN game last weekend.

Just seems like no matter what the guy does... it is wrong. I don't get it because he is a Hawk going out there trying to help the team win. Give him a break every once in awhile.

Oh and yeah, his comments about McNutt taking plays off were kind of stupid. He even said he didn't know what happened on the play for sure... but then he continued to talk about it as if McNutt was just being lazy and takes plays off on a regular basis.
I don't give a **** about dumb-*** meat head commentary. It's football who gives a **** if players gesture or dance or whatever.

Speilman was a head shotting ******* so I really don't want to hear what he things is classy.

Soooo....not a big Spielman fan, eh bcl?
I don't think I've seen that from Prater before, I was more confused than anything else. I get why he would do it, it just seems like a curve ball.

The McNutt thing was more like a mentor comment. You're a senior WR and trying to sell a play, don't take the play off, it looks bad to NFL scouts. You don't want to hurt the spot you're taken in the draft. Seemed like a fair comment to me. Although, he nor I were probably thinking about the previous few plays.
I thought McNutt was thinking it was a running play and had no one to block. Haven't seen the replay thou

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