Post Game Reaction - UNI/UI

I am going to say this first...I hate everything about the Hawkeyes. There, I said it.

Now, to the game.

I think that it was a physical and emotionally challenging game. This is my no mistake. That is the problem when you play the Panthers. They are always going to have great defensive teams that get in your face. It's tough to deal with, and a lot of players become frustrated when playing against it. The Hawkeyes were no different last night.

Do I think that the technicals should've been called? Probably not. I think the referees could've handled themselves better, but as a Division 1 coach, you have to understand the situation. You know that you're in a hostile environment...the crowd is going to feed off of your reaction...there is a better chance of getting a Technical on the road than at home because of the reaction from everyone else (including the refs).

I agree that games can be difficult to watch when the refs start making a lot of calls. However, the shoe was on the other foot last year. You guys were +15 in the free throw department. I'm sure there was complaining on our side.

Either way, this is one game. Let's get to the bigger picture. You guys want the series to end????? Now, I understand that you feel you SHOULD be better than us, but you're not. You haven't been for quite some time. Typically, we have a much higher RPI than the Hawkeyes at the end of the season. I know that this is only over the last 8-10 years so please don't come back with things from twenty years ago.

This series is a great thing for the entire state. It's great having the Big 4 play each other. This game helps your RPI (as of late) and hurts ours (as of late). If anyone should be complaining, it should be the Panthers. However, we see the benefit of having 2 BCS conference schools in our state, so regardless of whether it hurts our RPI or not, it is a great opportunity for both teams.
I am going to say this first...I hate everything about the Hawkeyes. There, I said it.

Now, to the game.

I think that it was a physical and emotionally challenging game. This is my no mistake. That is the problem when you play the Panthers. They are always going to have great defensive teams that get in your face. It's tough to deal with, and a lot of players become frustrated when playing against it. The Hawkeyes were no different last night.

Do I think that the technicals should've been called? Probably not. I think the referees could've handled themselves better, but as a Division 1 coach, you have to understand the situation. You know that you're in a hostile environment...the crowd is going to feed off of your reaction...there is a better chance of getting a Technical on the road than at home because of the reaction from everyone else (including the refs).

I agree that games can be difficult to watch when the refs start making a lot of calls. However, the shoe was on the other foot last year. You guys were +15 in the free throw department. I'm sure there was complaining on our side.

Either way, this is one game. Let's get to the bigger picture. You guys want the series to end????? Now, I understand that you feel you SHOULD be better than us, but you're not. You haven't been for quite some time. Typically, we have a much higher RPI than the Hawkeyes at the end of the season. I know that this is only over the last 8-10 years so please don't come back with things from twenty years ago.

This series is a great thing for the entire state. It's great having the Big 4 play each other. This game helps your RPI (as of late) and hurts ours (as of late). If anyone should be complaining, it should be the Panthers. However, we see the benefit of having 2 BCS conference schools in our state, so regardless of whether it hurts our RPI or not, it is a great opportunity for both teams.

Hopefully your first and only post. A UNI fan coming here to lecture us is probably the dumbest thing I have ever read. You have been relevant in the state for about 8-9 years....big deal. You have been nationally relevant for about 4-5 days a couple March's ago. You have 6 NCAA tourney berths in the history of your program. Robert Morris, Ball State, Montana, Pacific, Winthrop, Idaho State and Lasalle are just a handful of teams that have more NCAA tourney berths than you. Go away.
Dude, let me just give you a quick reality check. No one cares about you. You are completely irrelevant. You aren't even little brother you are cousin Oliver.
Hopefully your first and only post. A UNI fan coming here to lecture us is probably the dumbest thing I have ever read. You have been relevant in the state for about 8-9 years....big deal. You have been nationally relevant for about 4-5 days a couple March's ago. You have 6 NCAA tourney berths in the history of your program. Robert Morris, Ball State, Montana, Pacific, Winthrop, Idaho State and Lasalle are just a handful of teams that have more NCAA tourney berths than you. Go away.

Try living in Cedar Falls with all of these dinks. They HATE Iowa and it all started with the blocked field goals thing.
Dude, let me just give you a quick reality check. No one cares about you. You are completely irrelevant. You aren't even little brother you are cousin Oliver.

I understand your frustration.....

Why wouldn't you want to invite Cousin Oliver over anymore? You upset that he is getting bigger and stronger than the Old Wise Man?

What I'm saying is that Iowa OBVIOUSLY has a better've been around for a hundred years. UNI has only been a Division 1 team for around 20. We have made 6 tournaments, and we are routinely ranked higher than you. This should be a great opportunity for you to get a good win, and it's a great opportunity for UNI to play a BCS team (which we don't get to do very often). It's a win/win for everyone.
The problem is that your damned if you do and damned if you don't. Iowa beats UNI- everyone says, it's Iowa and they should beat UNI. Iowa loses and it's UNI's a decent team, but you lost to UNI, Iowa isn't good. It's lose lose.

The only people that know that UNI has a decent program are in the MVC and the state of Iowa.
I am going to say this first...I hate everything about the Hawkeyes. There, I said it.

Now, to the game.

I think that it was a physical and emotionally challenging game. This is my no mistake. That is the problem when you play the Panthers. They are always going to have great defensive teams that get in your face. It's tough to deal with, and a lot of players become frustrated when playing against it. The Hawkeyes were no different last night.

Do I think that the technicals should've been called? Probably not. I think the referees could've handled themselves better, but as a Division 1 coach, you have to understand the situation. You know that you're in a hostile environment...the crowd is going to feed off of your reaction...there is a better chance of getting a Technical on the road than at home because of the reaction from everyone else (including the refs).

I agree that games can be difficult to watch when the refs start making a lot of calls. However, the shoe was on the other foot last year. You guys were +15 in the free throw department. I'm sure there was complaining on our side.

Either way, this is one game. Let's get to the bigger picture. You guys want the series to end????? Now, I understand that you feel you SHOULD be better than us, but you're not. You haven't been for quite some time. Typically, we have a much higher RPI than the Hawkeyes at the end of the season. I know that this is only over the last 8-10 years so please don't come back with things from twenty years ago.

This series is a great thing for the entire state. It's great having the Big 4 play each other. This game helps your RPI (as of late) and hurts ours (as of late). If anyone should be complaining, it should be the Panthers. However, we see the benefit of having 2 BCS conference schools in our state, so regardless of whether it hurts our RPI or not, it is a great opportunity for both teams.

This might be one of the most arrogant posts i have ever read.
The problem is that your damned if you do and damned if you don't. Iowa beats UNI- everyone says, it's Iowa and they should beat UNI. Iowa loses and it's UNI's a decent team, but you lost to UNI, Iowa isn't good. It's lose lose.

The only people that know that UNI has a decent program are in the MVC and the state of Iowa.

That's just not football, yes....not basketball.

Basketball is based on numbers. The RPI matters tremendously. When you have a loss to a team who is #4 RPI (obviously as of now...hopefully we can stay in the top 50 or so), it's a good loss. It's a GREAT opportunity for you guys when we are good. Now if we are bad, of course it's a losing situation for you. Fortunately, that hasn't been the case for a while.
I don't understand why it's always ISU/UNI that lectures on how the series is good for they have to point out to us why it's good...obviously if we/Barta don't feel it is it will be the end of it.
I understand your frustration.....

Why wouldn't you want to invite Cousin Oliver over anymore? You upset that he is getting bigger and stronger than the Old Wise Man?

What I'm saying is that Iowa OBVIOUSLY has a better've been around for a hundred years. UNI has only been a Division 1 team for around 20. We have made 6 tournaments, and we are routinely ranked higher than you. This should be a great opportunity for you to get a good win, and it's a great opportunity for UNI to play a BCS team (which we don't get to do very often). It's a win/win for everyone.

I think you missed my point. It isn't that I don't want to play you it is that I really don't care.
I understand your frustration.....

Why wouldn't you want to invite Cousin Oliver over anymore? You upset that he is getting bigger and stronger than the Old Wise Man?

What I'm saying is that Iowa OBVIOUSLY has a better've been around for a hundred years. UNI has only been a Division 1 team for around 20. We have made 6 tournaments, and we are routinely ranked higher than you. This should be a great opportunity for you to get a good win, and it's a great opportunity for UNI to play a BCS team (which we don't get to do very often). It's a win/win for everyone.

Hard to win when you're not only battling other players but officials as well. You're such a d-bag that you can't even admit how absolutely p*ss poor the officiating was last night. Enjoy being the 3rd most popular program in the state no matter who you beat.
CedarFalls- what you don't get is if we beat UNI it doesn't help us in the national spot light. Everyone just says it is a mid-major that we should have beat.
LOL, classy responses to a very reasonable post fellow hawk fans.

I am not going to defend all the responses, but I think it shows a lack of class to post something like this after an emotional game. It is almost like a sour winner. I think fans are upset about the way the game was called. I would like to see Barta send a tape off, and see if there is an official response. Clearly he is looking to ruffle more feathers, because the win was not enough. If you hate all things Iowa why even go onto Iowa message boards, let alone read, but go through the trouble of creating an account to post this.

I will not respond directly to the OP, because I will not feed a troll. I am not calling for an end to the serious, and not because of anything the OP said. In fact I couldn't agree less to what he/she stated.
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