possible site bug when viewing reputation comments


Well-Known Member
Note: this only seems to happen using the "Hawkey" layout for the site.

Currently when I click on a user's reputation tab from their profile, I can see the reputation comments, but the "Thread" column is completely empty. I thought that was weird, and I couldn't find any place to change that in my Options for my own profile, so I analyzed the page source and found that the Thread column had the label alt1Active. I then checked out the CSS sheet that the page is using at:


and found the following:

td.alt1Active .smallfont {
display: none;
color: #ccc!important;

If you take out the "display: none;" or replace it with "display: inline;" or something, the text of the link to the thread appears (I tested it by saving the page locally as well as the stylesheet, and redirecting the page to load my local stylesheet).

It does seem weird that "display: none;" would even be there, so I am thinking maybe this was generated from the site from an option in my profile that I can't edit... or at least, that I don't know how to edit.

Any thoughts? Incidentally, the site behaves the same way whether I use Google Chrome or Firefox to load the pages.
Excellent find! People have complained about this before. This is something Jon (or his webmaster) should be able to change pretty easily I would think.

Did you see anything in the CSS that would display the user that posted the reputation comment? That's the other big complaint about the Rep feature.
Excellent find! People have complained about this before. This is something Jon (or his webmaster) should be able to change pretty easily I would think.

Did you see anything in the CSS that would display the user that posted the reputation comment? That's the other big complaint
about the Rep feature.

Couldn't find any links to usernames in the source. I would be surprised if the site even kept track of that. Incidentally, the CSS appears to be dynamically generated by a Javascript database query, and the display attributes of certain fields are driven by a "noshow" variable apparently tied to each user's profile. That wouldn't explain why the links appear in the default layout but not in the Hawkey layout though... which is why I think it's a bug in the construction of that particular layout template rather than a bug in the profile options. If I knew more about HTML, I'd probably be able to home in on the error a little better.

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