Possible Scalping Advice


Well-Known Member
So I have a buddy that is meeting me in Iowa City for the game this Saturday or at least to tailgate and watch the game at a bar or something. I was just wondering what the chances of scalping a couple tickets for $50 or less would be? (that is probably the max my wife would let me pay this close to xmas). The problem is that if we wait until kickoff, we will miss probably at least the 1st qtr trying to get to a bar to watch if we don't get tickets.
Face value is $65 a ticket for this game. There will be a lot of tickets available on the street. However, to expect to get in for less than face value for an iowa/osu game is pretty risky.

If you're willing to pay $70-75, you'll find a pair very easily.
So I have a buddy that is meeting me in Iowa City for the game this Saturday or at least to tailgate and watch the game at a bar or something. I was just wondering what the chances of scalping a couple tickets for $50 or less would be? (that is probably the max my wife would let me pay this close to xmas). The problem is that if we wait until kickoff, we will miss probably at least the 1st qtr trying to get to a bar to watch if we don't get tickets.

Well before the game, I don't see it happening. Probably around $75. Right b4 the game, I think you might have a good chance for getting one for $50.
So basically it depends on the risk of missing some of the game if I am unable to find a ticket. (that thought kills me as I threw a massive fit when I couldn't watch the first part of Iowa vs AZ). I didn't know how much face was, but I had a feeling it was probably going to be $70 or so. That stinks because I don't really want to screw over an Iowa fan who paid good money for a ticket and just can't go, but I just can't really afford to pay more than $50. Normally when I get to Kinnick I use the complimentary coaches tickets and him and I were going to go to the MSU game, but found out the morning of that his grandpa had fallen ill. So I would like to get him to the game, but if we have to just tailgate, that is fine too.
So I have a buddy that is meeting me in Iowa City for the game this Saturday or at least to tailgate and watch the game at a bar or something. I was just wondering what the chances of scalping a couple tickets for $50 or less would be? (that is probably the max my wife would let me pay this close to xmas). The problem is that if we wait until kickoff, we will miss probably at least the 1st qtr trying to get to a bar to watch if we don't get tickets.

If your fallback is to watch the game at a bar, you will likely end up spending more $$$ at the bar than if you would have just gone to the game. Buck up, and pay the $75.
I would recommend front to back, otherwise the skin doesn't come right off.......I went too far, didn't I?
I had an extra ticket going for the MSU game and couldn't even GIVE it away! Kickoff was about 10min away and I had been walking around for 15min or so and couldn't find one single person...saw a lot of other people with tix for sale as well. Honestly, it's really a crap-shoot. Some folks could still be p*ssed with the last two games and give their tix to a buddy to just dump for face or less. That would be your best bet, just get lucky and find a regular fan looking to get rid of them and not hassle with a scalper. Good luck!
All four corners of Kinnick you couldn't get a single tic for the wisky game for under 100. The score was 3-0 wisky and the scalpers still wanted 300 for a pair of tics. Don't understand their philosophy! I wouldn't even plan on getting one under 75 and thats if your lucky. Your best bet is finding your tics in the tailgating areas hours before!
All four corners of Kinnick you couldn't get a single tic for the wisky game for under 100. The score was 3-0 wisky and the scalpers still wanted 300 for a pair of tics. Don't understand their philosophy! I wouldn't even plan on getting one under 75 and thats if your lucky. Your best bet is finding your tics in the tailgating areas hours before!

I agree but I got lucky and found a pair for $150, great seats too, on the 30 yard line :)

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