Possible oversight on reason for 7-5 Season

Why the flip Jeebus. I never said Iowa couldn't or they haven't come close. I responded to you comment below. Iowa wasn't one Wallace run away.. Now who looks like the Asshat?:D

Jeebus wrote the following:
You seem to have forgotten that Iowa was one Seneca Wallace run away from the NC game in 02. You also seem to forget that Iowa was a twisted ankle away from going 10 and 0 just last year against one of the most difficult schedules in the country!

You still look like the ASSHAT because you missed the point again. I know what I said.

You're inability to focus on the point of the statement instead of the petty details makes you look stupid.

I'll rephrase it so you don't get stuck on that part like Rain-man;

You seem to have forgotten that Iowa was one Seneca Wallace run away from an undefeated season.

There? Does that make you feel better because I didn't imply that we would have made the championship game that parcticular year???? Do you get the point? The point that Iowa was really really close two times in this decade for playing for a championship.

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