Pop up "congratulations you won an Ipod" message


Well-Known Member
Jon and others,

Any suggestions how to eradicate this? It has been a constant the past few days. It is a dancing pop up box that says "you won an Ipod click here, etc."

You mean you haven't clicked on it yet?... I've won 17 of them so far. Anybody want to buy one cheap? :)
None of the vendors we work with are authorized to use popups. Could you please take a screen shot of the pop up when it occurs and email it to me? Thank you
None of the vendors we work with are authorized to use popups. Could you please take a screen shot of the pop up when it occurs and email it to me? Thank you
Jon, Its a "mediajmp" malware. I can't remember just how to get rid of it but its been on the site all week. If you click on it you will have other pop-up issues. I will research.
I assume this is the ad?

that is a 300x250 standard ad. It's in a the standard position where we have ads. It's not a pop up.

Jon, are you saying that's an Ad? If so, that's an odd looking ad. Normally ads sell or promote something. The iPad 'ad' appears misleading to say the least. I'm also guessing I really won't receive that iPad. I'm also guessing you wouldn't want me to click 'Yes' or 'No' if I was on your PC.
Jon, are you saying that's an Ad? If so, that's an odd looking ad. Normally ads sell or promote something. The iPad 'ad' appears misleading to say the least. I'm also guessing I really won't receive that iPad. I'm also guessing you wouldn't want me to click 'Yes' or 'No' if I was on your PC.

I know that it's not a pop up as it's in the exact position where we have 300x250 ads. I am looking into it with my vendors, as I agree I do not believe there is any free ipad2 involved.
I have spoken to the vendor and it is being removed from the 'pool'

How 'bout the Free Walmart gift card? Guessing it's the same legitimate vendor..................... I understand the ads to pay for servers, bandwidth, etc., but you really should have an agreement with these (uhhh umm) vendors that prohibits misrepresentation with false click throughs.
How 'bout the Free Walmart gift card? Guessing it's the same legitimate vendor..................... I understand the ads to pay for servers, bandwidth, etc., but you really should have an agreement with these (uhhh umm) vendors that prohibits misrepresentation with false click throughs.

I don't want junk coming through, that is a certainty. I have been having discussions with a former video vendor I took down a few months ago, and are close to bringing them back..which means I will remove one of those rectangle ads...they know that audio cannot happen...also, it will be Mars candy campaign for the next two months...so control of content is good, too.

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