poll; would you rather see ISU lose 1 game a year or everygame.

Maybe if State could actually win a game the so called "rivalry" game would mean something. As of right now, UNI or DRAKE is more of an in state rivalry!
I will never understand the irrational feelings people have for ISU. Over the years they have had football coaches I could not stand, etc., but as an Iowan who wants our state universities supported and attended, I want nothing but success for their athletic programs, same with UNI.

Yes, let's have a perennial 0-12 football program at ISU (the same people would say the same for BB) and see how that over time affects the university and it's other sports and the kids from Iowa that go there to participate.

There's a lot more to be said for beating a good program on a consistent basis.
I want them to lose every game every year. I am longtime IOWA fan and I have gotten so much grief from Iowa State fans thru the years. If they win one game they act like the won the national championship. They are so jealous of Iowa. And, if it were up to me, Iowa would not play Iowa State in football.

Getting very excited about Saturday already. Going to be another tough game.
Okay ... I need to come out of the closet. When I'm with my wife (whose daughter went to ISU) or with other ISU fans, I wring my hands in anguish whenever ISU loses (well, except against IOWA). But inside the deep recesses of my heart, I am gleeful everytime they lose. So i'm a hypocrite of the first order. Damn! It felt good to get that off my chest.

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