Poll position and the late start

He threw one against the clowns that could've been taken to the house. You could hear the collective groan from the crowd on the t.v. while the ball was in the air. Luckily an incomplete pass.

Actually, Rick had enough juice on that ball that the corner would have had a hard time catching it. Last year they were almost lobs on those pick 6's.
Is anyone else slightly amused at the notion that people here are acctually concerning themselves with the bed times of pollsters? I mean, I know sports is important to people, but this is so bizzare it is approaching sublime!

I don't think this game can get here soon enough!
Is anyone else slightly amused at the notion that people here are acctually concerning themselves with the bed times of pollsters? I mean, I know sports is important to people, but this is so bizzare it is approaching sublime!

I don't think this game can get here soon enough!

Patrick Webb brought up this point in his good, bad, ugly segment on the front page right now. Its a legit thought. A point he made that I had never thought about was how NFL dominated Sunday sports coverage is and you more than likely will not see highlights of this game unless you look for them (ESPNU, Big 10 Network).
Patrick Webb brought up this point in his good, bad, ugly segment on the front page right now. Its a legit thought. A point he made that I had never thought about was how NFL dominated Sunday sports coverage is and you more than likely will not see highlights of this game unless you look for them (ESPNU, Big 10 Network).

I don't know who Patrick Webb is, so his take on the matter does not give it legitimacy, at least to me. Also, it assumes some kind of universe where sports writers do not have access to the internet.
I don't know who Patrick Webb is, so his take on the matter does not give it legitimacy, at least to me. Also, it assumes some kind of universe where sports writers do not have access to the internet.

I started this thread and I just want to make it clear that I am not worried where we will be ranked after Saturday, should we win. Im in the camp that if we win the polls will take care of themselves and we will be ranked accordingly at the end of the year.

I just thought it was an interesting situation because of the feathers that were ruffled after we dropped a spot last weekend after we dominated Iowa State. That game was on at the same time at least 3 other marquee games were on (Miami/OSU, Michigan/ND, FSU/Oklahoma). People obviously did not watch much of our game and that kind of reflected in the polls.

We all know sports writers have access to the internet, the question is how many of them will take the time to read the recap or box score from the Iowa game on Sunday when there is a full day of NFL football going on?