A couple of things; first I was speaking to how Ferentz presents himself around town. You will find very people, if any, with negative things to say about him personally. Alford....quite a few have stories.
Second, tired of the whole Iowa's football team crime nonsense. Most of the brushes with the law were misdemeanors; PAULA violations (being in a bar underage after 10) or public intox. Not the violence that so many other programs have dealt with, including ISU playing felons. Rhabdo has been debated, discredited......I think there was nothing nefarious about the whole issue. And when he did have some serious problems with players doing things off the field, I think he has dealt with them correctly.
I can tear up his coaching style, risk adverse.....conservative to the extreme, favors a good story over talent, boring....and on and on. But as far as his character, I would take him over any coach in the country.