
Wow, on the washed up podcast one of the guys called the UNI Coach a scum bag. If I'm not mistaken one could be liable for slander ? am I right. Grounds for legal action?
upon further review, slander is something that is false and defamatory. Can't really objectively prove something like that one way or another.
Wow, on the washed up podcast one of the guys called the UNI Coach a scum bag. If I'm not mistaken one could be liable for slander ? am I right. Grounds for legal action?
yeah, I hadn't really heard that the UNI culture was like that before listening to them. Is this a known deal? They said that the culture was probably close to Marylands?
Wow, on the washed up podcast one of the guys called the UNI Coach a scum bag. If I'm not mistaken one could be liable for slander ? am I right. Grounds for legal action?

I think one has to prove that the defamation caused loss of income or something substantial. I think it's actually difficult to prove. Just simple name calling is not enough, unless, one loses something secondary to it.
If you haven't listened yet, please do. These guys aren't afraid to say what they think and don't try to filter things to be PC and maintain their press passes. They keep it real, yo.
Slander claims are becoming a relic given all the communication modes these days. Too much content out there. But, in order to prevail you have to prove said something factually untrue about you that materially painted you in a false light. Generally opinionated statements almost never qualify, and if what you said is true, that is the ultimate defense to a claim.

You ever wonder why guys like Bill Self never sue sports radio guys who call him a cheater and that he pays players? Because if he sued them they would get to do all sorts of discovery on how Self recruits. He aint gonna open up that box.
I was checking out the https://hawkeyepodcast.com/ one that I had discounted but went back and found Marc Morehouse who seems to have joined Jon. Pretty good combination. .And there is a previous pod with Dochterman and Marc with Jon. good stuff.